如何在 pycharm 的 git 启用的文件夹中禁用文件着色?

How to disable file colouring in git-enabled folder in pycharm?

我在 pycharm 中使用深色模式。当使用 git 启用文件夹时,左侧项目文件夹中文件的颜色在暗模式下看起来很暗。如何在 pycharm 中启用 git 的文件夹中禁用文件着色?眼花缭乱。

我正在使用 Pycharm 社区 2020.1

您不能单独为 PyCharm UI 的一部分禁用深色模式。您遇到的问题可能是由于安装错误或类似原因造成的。重新安装或更新 PyCharm 可能会有所帮助。

来自 PyCharm:

File Status Highlights

In PyCharm, each file is marked with a color according to its state in the version control you are using.

In the editor, each line in a file is checked for its version control state and is marked with a color in the gutter.

File status

If you want to change the default file status colors, go to Settings/Preferences | Version Control | File Status Colors.

Line status in the editor

If you want to change the default line status colors, go to Settings/Preferences | Editor | General | Highlight modified lines in gutter.


File -> Settings -> Version Control -> File Status Colors

旧答案:您可以从设置中更改文件颜色。 转到 File -> Settings -> Editor -> Colors&Fonts -> File Status -> (Unkown -> foreground)


转到 Settings > Version Control > File Status Colors 并相应地更改颜色。