NHibernate - 如何 QueryOver 加入 table 有限制

NHibernate - How to QueryOver in joined table with restrictions

我遇到了 SQL 查询(使用 NHibernate 4)。

我有 2 个 tables(客户端和技术)具有多对多关系,所以我创建了一个名为 ClientTechnology 的联结 table。


在 SQL 中,声明如下:

declare @clientId int = 1

        select * from
        [dbo].[Technology] t
        where t.IsCustom = 0
        select t.* from
        [dbo].[Technology] t
        join [dbo].[ClientTechnology] ct
        on ct.TechnologyId = t.Id
        where t.IsCustom = 1 and ct.ClientId = @clientId

我的 Fluent Mapping 客户端 table 是:

public ClientMap()
        Id(x => x.Id);
        Map(x => x.Name).Not.Nullable();

对于技术 table 是:

public TechnologyMap()
        Id(x => x.Id);
        Map(x => x.Name).Not.Nullable();
        Map(x => x.IsCustom).Not.Nullable();

        HasMany(x => x.ClientTechnologies)

最后是路口[=52​​=] ClientTechnology:

public ClientTechnologyMap()
        Id(x => x.Id);
        Map(x => x.Alias).Not.Nullable();
        Map(x => x.IsDeleted).Not.Nullable();

        References<Client>(x => x.Client, "ClientId");
        References<Technology>(x => x.Technology, "TechnologyId");

我愿意接受不同的选择来实现这一点。 假设我有可用的客户端对象(ClientId) 我可以首先检索符合要求的技术列表 IsCustom = false 然后检索符合要求的技术列表 IsCustom = true AND "the provided client is the owner of this custom technology"

在方法 public IEnumerable<Technology> GetTechnologies(Client client) 中必须 return 技术的可枚举(给定一个客户端实例)

我尝试了以下方法来检索 globalTechnologies:

var globalTechnologies = _session.QueryOver<Technology>()
            .WhereNot(x => x.IsDeleted)
            .WhereNot(x => x.IsCustom)

以下是其所有者是客户的 customTechnologies:

Technology technology = null;
        ClientTechnology clientTechnology = null;
        var customTechnologies = _session.QueryOver<Technology>(() => technology)
            .JoinAlias(() => technology.ClientTechnologies, () => clientTechnology)
            .WhereNot(x => x.IsDeleted)
            .Where(x => x.IsCustom)
            .Where(clientTechnology.Client == client) //this doesn't compile



在你的情况下,唯一的问题是你没有在 .Where() 中提供表达式,所以这应该可以完成工作:

// instead of this
// .Where(clientTechnology.Client == client) //this doesn't compile
// use this
.Where(() => clientTechnology.Client == client)


  1. 只会return属于客户的Techonology.Id
  2. 然后我们也可以使用 OR 并有一个查询 select 这些人是:
    • NOT IsCustom 或
    • 属于客户


  • How to do a QueryOver in Nhibernate on child collection

和 OR 的例子

  • Use OR Clause in queryover in NHibernate
  • NHibernate QueryOver with WhereRestriction as OR