连接到同一个路由器 = 相同的 ip 和端口?

Connected to the same router = Same ip and port?

连接到同一路由器的三台计算机将具有相同的 public IP。如果这些计算机向我的服务器发送请求,它们是否也具有相同的 PORT 还是有例外?


Three computers connected to the same router will have the same public IP.


If these computers send a request to my server, will they all have the same PORT as well or are there exceptions?

不,它们在路由器上不会有相同的端口(尽管它们可能在每台客户端 PC 上)。

TCP 连接由元组 {protocol, local-ip, local-port, remote-ip, remote-port} 唯一标识。因此,当多个 TCP 连接具有相同的 {remote-ip, remote-port}(IOW,当多个客户端连接到同一服务器时),则每个 {local-ip, local-port} 必须是唯一的。反之亦然,当多个 TCP 连接具有相同的 {local-ip, local-port}(IOW,当客户端连接到多个服务器时),则每个 {remote-ip, remote-port} 必须是唯一的。

当通过路由器时,在客户端看到的每个 TCP 连接将是 {TCP, lan-ip, lan-port, server-ip, server-port},而在服务器端每个连接将被视为 {TCP, listen-ip, listen-port, client-ip, client-port},其中 {client-ip, client-port} 将是路由器的 {public-ip, public-port},因此每个 {public-ip, public-port} 必须是唯一的。


When I get requests from the browser, the PORT is different for each connection it creates.


Does the browser client just pick a random port that is available on the router?

不,浏览器也不关心路由器是否存在。浏览器创建一个本地套接字端点并将其绑定到可用的 {local-ip, local-port},然后使用它连接到服务器的 {server-ip, server-port}。数据包转到 OS,OS 将它们发送到路由器,路由器为每个新连接打开自己可用的 {public-ip, public-port},然后将这些数据包转发到服务器。当服务器发回数据包时,路由器将在其 public NIC 上接收这些数据包,将它们转发到适当的客户端 OS,客户端将它们传递到适当的套接字端点。

| Client PC A |
 {tcp, client-lan-ip, client-lan-port, server-ip, server-port}


 {tcp, router-lan-ip, router-lan-port, client-lan-ip, client-lan-port}
| Router |
 {tcp, router-public-ip, router-public-port, server-ip, server-port}


{tcp, listen-ip, listen-port, router-public-ip, router-public-port}
| Server |