如何在 excel csv 文件中添加两个表?

How can i add two tables in excel csv file?

我正在使用以下代码创建 excel CSV 文件,它对我生成第一张图片工作正常 table.But 我想为图片生成 CSV second.Can 任何人请告诉我如何在单个文件中添加两个表以及如何在没有列标题的地方插入记录以及如何在 excel csv 中添加空行和空列?

CsvExport myExport = new CsvExport();
string fileName = "AbsentEmployeesReport" + Session["id"] + ".csv";
foreach (var item in lstEmployees)
myExport["Enroll ID"] = item.EnrollNumber;
myExport["Employee (Firt and Last)"] = item.Name;
myExport["Department"] = item.Department;
myExport["Absent Count"] = item.AbsentCount;
string myCsv = myExport.Export();
myExport.ExportToFile(Server.MapPath("/Reports/" + fileName), myCsv);

using System;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;

/// <summary>
/// Simple CSV export
public class CsvExport
  /// <summary>
  /// To keep the ordered list of column names
  /// </summary>
  List<string> fields = new List<string>();

  /// <summary>
  /// The list of rows
  /// </summary>
  List<Dictionary<string, object>> rows = new List<Dictionary<string, object>>();

  /// <summary>
  /// The current row
  /// </summary>
  Dictionary<string, object> currentRow { get { return rows[rows.Count - 1]; } }

  /// <summary>
  /// Set a value on this column
  /// </summary>
  public object this[string field]
      // Keep track of the field names, because the dictionary loses the ordering
      if (!fields.Contains(field)) fields.Add(field);
      currentRow[field] = value;

  /// <summary>
  /// Call this before setting any fields on a row
  /// </summary>
  public void AddRow()
    rows.Add(new Dictionary<string, object>());

  /// <summary>
  /// Converts a value to how it should output in a csv file
  /// If it has a comma, it needs surrounding with double quotes
  /// Eg Sydney, Australia -> "Sydney, Australia"
  /// Also if it contains any double quotes ("), then they need to be replaced with quad quotes[sic] ("")
  /// Eg "Dangerous Dan" McGrew -> """Dangerous Dan"" McGrew"
  /// </summary>
  string MakeValueCsvFriendly(object value)
    if (value == null) return "";
    if (value is INullable && ((INullable)value).IsNull) return "";
    if (value is DateTime)
      if (((DateTime)value).TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds==0)
        return ((DateTime)value).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
      return ((DateTime)value).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
    string output = value.ToString();
    if (output.Contains(",") || output.Contains("\""))
      output = '"' + output.Replace("\"", "\"\"") + '"';
    return output;

  /// <summary>
  /// Output all rows as a CSV returning a string
  /// </summary>
  public string Export()
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

    // The header
    foreach (string field in fields)

    // The rows
    foreach (Dictionary<string, object> row in rows)
      foreach (string field in fields)

    return sb.ToString();

  /// <summary>
  /// Exports to a file
  /// </summary>
  public void ExportToFile(string path)
    File.WriteAllText(path, Export());

  /// <summary>
  /// Exports as raw UTF8 bytes
  /// </summary>
  public byte[] ExportToBytes()
    return Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Export());

如何生成 excel CSV,如下所示:

好吧,CSV 代表逗号分隔值,如果您通过记事本打开生成的文件,您将真实地看到这些数据的真实面目,并且您将了解您的要求。

  1. 要插入空行,只需执行 "","","",""
  2. 要插入空列(比方说,第一列为空),您可以执行 "","data1","data2"
  3. 要插入新的 table 2,您的操作与创建 table1 相同,但您先在 table1 之后插入 table 头。所以数据应该是这样的:

第 1-1 列,第 1-2 列,第 1-3 列
2-1 列,2-2 列,2-3 列