为什么定义在 NumPy 文档字符串部分的冒号前有一个 space?

Why do definitions have a space before the colon in NumPy docstring sections?

Numpy docstring guide 说:

The colon must be preceded by a space, or omitted if the type is absent.


x : type
    Description of parameter `x`.
    Description of parameter `y` (with type not specified)

另一方面, PEP8字面意思是冒号前的space是错误的:

# Wrong:

code:int  # No space after colon
code : int  # Space before colon




它似乎违反了排版规则以及 python 约定(或至少是直觉)。

Why a space before the colon?

因为在NumPy里面有一些语法定义docstring sections are made to coincide with the syntax of a reStructuredText Definition List。 请注意语法与 reST 标记规范完全相同:

Definition Lists

Each definition list item contains a term, optional classifiers, and a definition. A term is a simple one-line word or phrase. Optional classifiers may follow the term on the same line, each after an inline " : " (space, colon, space).

Syntax diagram:

| term [ " : " classifier ]* |
   | definition                 |
   | (body elements)+           |

有道理,因为 numpydoc 清楚地说明了它打算遵守 PEP 257。

numpydoc docstring guide


We mostly follow the standard Python style conventions as described here:

  • Docstring Conventions - PEP 257

并且 PEP 表明其意图是应该使用 reST 结构编写文档字符串:

Abstract, PEP 287

This PEP proposes that the reStructuredText markup be adopted as a standard markup format for structured plaintext documentation in Python docstrings

这也可以通过引用 numpydoc 贡献者的决定来验证,例如:

Issue #87

Right now numpydoc format is actually valid rst (just with some special interpretation of certain markup constructs), e.g. the parameters field is a definition list where the type is a "classifier" (http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/ref/rst/restructuredtext.html#definition-lists). I would argue that it is worthwhile to keep this property, which end-of-line backslashes do (they simply do not appear in the string itself), whereas the proposed "recognize indentation" syntax does not.


PR #107

This probably falls under the category of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it", but I note that we're strangely using blockquotes for parameter listings instead of definition lists. UPDATED: now this PR proposes to use definition lists by default, with a switch to use the legacy blockquotes.


Built-in Validation Checks

"PR10": 'Parameter "{param_name}" requires a space before the colon '
       "separating the parameter name and type"

总而言之,要使用 reST 编写文档字符串(以符合 PEP 257),reST Body Elements 中没有太多列表标记结构可供选择。定义列表是最好的选择,因为它的 term/classifier 语法完全适合 Python 对象的 name/type 列表。


In the other hand, PEP8 literally says that a space before colon is wrong

是的,但是 PEP 8 提到的函数和变量注释不是指文档字符串 (docstrings)!这些用于签名和变量声明。