如何在 Coldfusion 中将数组添加到 XML 对象?

How do I add an array to an XML object in Coldfusion?

我不知道获取数组并将其添加到 XML 对象的最佳方法。

我从具有空节点的 XML 对象开始。例子 XML:

    ... other nodes ...
    ... other nodes ...


<cfset ParsedXML.Request.Test.XMLText = "Test">


    ... other nodes ...
    ... other nodes ...

到目前为止一切顺利。但是,当我想使用 Coldfusion 数组并将其添加到 XMLChildren 时,我 运行 遇到了问题。所以说我拿了一系列项目:

<cfset ItemsArray = ArrayNew(1)>
<cfset ItemsArray[1] = {
    "Class": 55,
    "Weight": 100
<cfset ItemsArray[2] = {
    "Class": 55,
    "Weight": 200

然后我想遍历该数组以在 ResponseNodes.Request.Items.XMLChildren:

<cfset ItemRow = 1>
<cfloop array="#ItemsArray#" index="i">
    <cfset ParsedXML.Request.Items.Item[ItemRow].Class.XMLText = i.Class>
    <cfset ParsedXML.Request.Items.Item[ItemRow].Weight.XMLText = i.Weight>
    <cfset ItemRow = ItemRow + 1>


The index of a child element is out of range. There are only 1 children under this node. Index 2 is out of the allowed range [1-1].

我也尝试过 XmlElemNew() 但将 运行 保留为 The right hand side of the assignment is not of type XML Node.

这就是您要实现的目标吗?您需要将您尝试添加的任何节点(ItemClassWeight 等)作为 XmlChildren 添加到您的 xml。

<cfset ItemsArray = [
  {"Class": 55, "Weight": 100},
  {"Class": 55, "Weight": 200},
  {"Class": 55, "Weight": 300}

<cfxml variable="ParsedXML">
<cfset ParsedXML.Request.Test.XMLText = "Test">
<cfset ItemRow = 1>
<cfloop array="#ItemsArray#" index="i">
  <cfset ParsedXML.Request.Items.XmlChildren[ItemRow] = XmlElemNew(ParsedXML,"Item")> 
  <cfset ParsedXML.Request.Items.XmlChildren[ItemRow].XmlChildren[1] = XmlElemNew(ParsedXML,"Class")> 
  <cfset ParsedXML.Request.Items.XmlChildren[ItemRow].XmlChildren[2] = XmlElemNew(ParsedXML,"Weight")> 
  <cfset ParsedXML.Request.Items.XmlChildren[ItemRow].XmlChildren[1].XMLText = i.Class>
  <cfset ParsedXML.Request.Items.XmlChildren[ItemRow].XmlChildren[2].XMLText = i.Weight>
  <cfset ItemRow += 1>
<cfdump var="#ParsedXML#">