如何在 Angular 中的筹码旁边放置文本输入

how to place text input beside of chips in Angular



<mat-chip-list *ngIf="editMode">
    <mat-form-field class="form" appearance="fill">

        <!--show Tags-->
        <ng-container *ngFor="let chip of chips" class="add-tag-chip" (click)="displayTagInput()">
                <mat-chip [selectable]="selectable" [removable]="removable" (removed)="removeTags(chip)">
                    <mat-icon matChipRemove *ngIf="chip.pending !== true && removable" matTooltip="Remove a tag">cancel</mat-icon>
                    <mat-spinner *ngIf="chip.pending === true" [diameter]="16" mode="indeterminate"></mat-spinner>

        <!--Text Input (supposed to be on the side of Tags)-->
            <input matInput [(ngModel)]="tagIn" [matAutocomplete]="auto" placeholder="New Tag"  (keyup.enter)="addTag()" />

        <!--For Drop Down List-->
            <mat-autocomplete #auto="matAutocomplete">
                <mat-option *ngFor="let tag of filteredTags | async" [value]="tag">




为什么不按照文档中的说明使用它?我还发现 this stackblitz 这正是您想要的。这是 html 代码:

<mat-form-field class="demo-chip-list">
  <mat-chip-list #chipList>
      *ngFor="let fruit of fruits"
      <mat-icon matChipRemove *ngIf="removable">cancel</mat-icon>
      placeholder="New fruit..."
  <mat-autocomplete #auto="matAutocomplete" (optionSelected)="selected($event)">
    <mat-option *ngFor="let fruit of filteredFruits | async" [value]="fruit">
      {{ fruit }}

请注意,没有 ng-container(它们在您的代码中似乎不是必需的)并且 mat-form-field 标记包含了整个内容。在您的代码中,您将它作为 mat-chip-list.



.css :

/* ::ng-deep needed to only target your component (it's deprecated but have not replacement for the moment) */
.your-component ::ng-deep .mat-form-field-infix {
  display: flex !important

/* Change the placeholder to stick to the same position as if your input is focused, not really good */
.your-component ::ng-deep.mat-form-field-label {
    transform: translateY(-1.28125em) scale(.75) perspective(100px) translateZ(.001px) !important;


    <!-- ng-container is now a span -->
        <span *ngFor="let fruit of fruits" (click)="displayTagInput()">
            <mat-chip [selectable]="selectable" [removable]="removable" (removed)="removeTags(chip)">
                <mat-icon matChipRemove matTooltip="Remove a tag">cancel

        <input matInput [(ngModel)]="tagIn" [matAutocomplete]="auto2" placeholder="New Tag..."  (keyup.enter)="addTag()" />

        <mat-autocomplete #auto2="matAutocomplete" (optionSelected)="selected($event)">
            <mat-option *ngFor="let fruit of filteredFruits | async" [value]="fruit">
                {{ fruit }}


这里是the demo ons tackblitz。请注意,它无法完美运行。我不得不用 css 强制占位符的收缩效果(我认为这是因为 mat-form-fieldmat-chip-list 内)。

