RAPIDS in Colab AttributeError: module 'cudf' has no attribute '_lib'

RAPIDS in Colab AttributeError: module 'cudf' has no attribute '_lib'

在尝试导入 cuml 库之前,我已经在 Colab 中毫无问题地安装了 RAPIDS。 幸运的是,我有 Tesla 4 作为 GPU。

这就是我安装 RAPIDS 的方式

# clone RAPIDS AI rapidsai-csp-utils scripts repo
>> !git clone https://github.com/rapidsai/rapidsai-csp-utils.git    
# install RAPIDS
>> !bash rapidsai-csp-utils/colab/rapids-colab.sh
>> import sys, os
# set necessary environment variables 
>> dist_package_index = sys.path.index('/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages')
>> sys.path = sys.path[:dist_package_index] + ['/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages']+sys.path[dist_package_index:]
>> sys.path    
# update pyarrow & modules 
>> exec(open('rapidsai-csp-utils/colab/update_modules.py').read(), globals())
Enjoy using RAPIDS!
RAPIDS Version to install is 0.11
Checking for GPU type:
Woo! Your instance has the right kind of GPU, a 'Tesla T4'!

Your Google Colab instance has RAPIDS installed!
Let us check on those pyarrow and cffi versions...
You're running pyarrow 0.15.0 and are good to go!
unloaded cffi 1.11.5
loaded cffi 1.11.5


>> import cuml

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-31-a450aff8eac6> in <module>()
----> 1 import cuml

5 frames
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cudf/core/dataframe.py in <module>()
     23 import cudf
---> 24 import cudf._lib as libcudf
     25 import cudf._libxx as libcudfxx
     26 from cudf._libxx.null_mask import MaskState, create_null_mask

AttributeError: module 'cudf' has no attribute '_lib'


>> ! conda list | grep cudf
>> ! conda list | grep cuml
>> ! conda list | grep cugraph
>> ! conda list | grep numpy
>> ! conda list | grep pandas

cudf                      0.13.0                   py36_0    rapidsai/label/main
dask-cudf                 0.13.0                   py36_0    rapidsai/label/main
libcudf                   0.13.0               cuda10.0_0    rapidsai/label/main
cuml                      0.13.0          cuda10.0_py36_0    rapidsai/label/main
libcuml                   0.13.0               cuda10.0_0    rapidsai/label/main
libcumlprims              0.13.0               cuda10.0_0    nvidia
cugraph                   0.13.0                   py36_0    rapidsai/label/main
libcugraph                0.13.0               cuda10.0_0    rapidsai/label/main
numpy                     1.17.5           py36h95a1406_0    conda-forge
pandas                    0.25.3           py36hb3f55d8_0    conda-forge

这是我的问题,我正在尝试使用 RAPIDS 来使用他的 T-SNE,它比 Scipy T-SNE 更快。

感谢分享。此问题是由于 numba (0.48.0 -- 0.49.0) 的更新导致它与 cudf 不兼容所致。这个 PR https://github.com/rapidsai/rapidsai-csp-utils/pull/18 解决了这个问题,它将 numba 锁定为 0.48.0 0.13 及以下版本。