Angular 可以使用的模板,但没有 UI 设计的麻烦

Angular Template to work with but without the headache of UI design


Objective:使用完整的 Web 应用程序及其业务逻辑,远离其他问题,例如 CSS 主题、库兼容性、JavaScript 挑战、响应能力、RTL..等等相反,应用程序的稳定性、安全性、业务(功能)...等是我主要关心的问题。



What is to use/learn to start working with but has the least requirement and details to pay attention to ? Nebular for example got 4 themes out of the box and no need to do CSS/SCSS work if ngx-admin used so this lets me really focus on the functionality rather than the look.

无论什么都有现成的模板。这将是您立即开始的最快选择。 ngx-admin based on nebular is great for you in this manner. Also ng-alain 是另一种选择。选择一个强大的支持模板,最好是开源的,恕我直言,这将满足您的要求。

What is the best and more flexible to use as grid system for responsiveness ? BootStrap grid system been there for too long and it's really easy to use but if I go for angular material then that would be additional work rather than just sticking with Angular-Material responsiveness support which I don't know anything about yet.


ngx-admin like apps would be straightforward to do but nebular is kinda restrictive compared to angular material and less supported, could be angular material be that easy/straightforward to use without caring about css as such ?

您正在将模板展示与设计的框架植入进行比较。这样做既不可能也不公平。选择像 Material Dashboard 这样的模板,并将其与其他模板进行比较,看看哪个更适合您。有许多基于原始 angular material


In nebular, rounding your html with nb-layout really takes care of theming & rtl. Any alternative to that in PrimeNG, Angular-Material or others ?

是的,Angular Material 支持布局,但您必须自己创建统一的主题、方向等解决方案。对此有不同的方法。但是,它开箱即用,例如 NG-ZORRO & Clarity。无论您使用什么,您都必须搜索并询问可用功能。
