在运行时动态加载 DLL 并创建接口实现的实例

Load DLL and create instances of interface implementations dynamically at runtime

我有很多 DLL 连接器。每个DLL里面的方法太多了。但每个 DLL 连接器包含以下两个方法(byte[] Document = GetDocument(string, string, string); 和 byte[] Image = GetImage(string, string, string);).

我想做的是: 1- Select 运行时的 DLL 文件。 2- 填写三个字符串。 3- 将三个字符串传递给插入的 DLL 中的方法(上面提到的)以接收返回的文件。



看看 Assembly class.

您可以例如使用 Assembly.LoadFileAssembly.LoadFrom 加载程序集。
要激活包含在组件中的类型以调用其成员,您可以使用 Assembly.CreateInstance:

Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFile("C:\bin\runtime.dll");
TypeInsideAssembly instanceOfTypeInsideAssembly = (TypeInsideAssembly) assembly.CreateInstance(typeOf(TypeInsideAssembly));

如果构造函数需要参数,您可以使用适当的 overload CreateInstance(String, Boolean, BindingFlags, Binder, Object[], CultureInfo, Object[]).


以下通用示例使用反射创建位于指定程序集中的 TBase 实例,需要无参数构造函数。 TBase 可以是 class(基础 class)或接口。
不是 public 或未定义无参数构造函数的类型将被忽略。

private IEnumerable<TBase> GetInstancesOf<TBase>(string assemblyFilePath)
  var assembly = Assembly.LoadFile(assemblyFilePath);

  // Get all public types that are defined in this assembly
  Type[] publicTypes = assembly.GetExportedTypes();

  // Filter all public types in assembly and return only types...
  IEnumerable<TBase> documentProviders = publicTypes

    // ...that are not an interface (as we can't create instances of interfaces)...
    .Where(publicType => !publicType.IsInterface 

      // ...AND that are not an abstract class (as we can't create instances of abstract types)...
      && !publicType.IsAbstract 

      // ...AND that have a public parameterless constructor...
      && publicType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes) != null 

      // ...AND are a subtype of TBase. Note that TBase can be a base class or interface 
      && typeof(TBase).IsAssignableFrom(publicType))

    // Take each collected type and create an instance of those types
    .Select(concreteInterfaceType => assembly.CreateInstance(concreteInterfaceType.FullName))

    // Since CreateInstance() returns object, cast each created instance to the common subtype TBase

  return documentProviders;


private void HandleDocuments(string assemblyFilePath)
  foreach (IClientMethods documentProvider in GetInstancesOf<IClientMethods>(assemblyFilePath))
    byte[] document = documentProvider.GetDocument(...);