我的遗传算法不会 converge/reaches 局部最小值

My genetic algorithm won't converge/reaches local minima


我正在尝试建立一个遗传算法来使用反式 parent 形状(三角形)绘制图片,像这样:https://chriscummins.cc/s/genetics/,但我已经尝试了很多不同的超参数和不同的技术,我真的无法像上面的网站那样得到任何融合。有时候会运行很久,还是会卡在下图这样的东西里,好像收敛到什么东西了,因为个体不多,但又不完全一样!



这是我的三角形(基因) class:

class Triangle:

    def __init__(self, image):

        image: PIL.Image
            Image where the triangle will be drawn.

            This must be passed in order for the random triangle's vertices
            to have correct coordinates.
        self.max_width, self.max_height = image.size
        self.vertices = self.random_polygon()

        # RGBA
        self.color = Triangle.random_color()

    def __str__(self):
        return f'Vertices: {[(round(x, 2), round(y, 2)) for (x, y) in self.vertices]} | Color: {self.color}'

    def draw(self, draw_object, fill=True) -> None:
        Method to draw the polygon using a Pillow ImageDraw.Draw object


        draw_object: ImageDraw.Draw
            Object to draw the image

        fill: bool
            Whether to fill the polygon or just outline it.


        if fill:
            draw_object.polygon(self.vertices, fill=self.color)
            draw_object.polygon(self.vertices, outline=self.color)

    def noise(self, ratio):
        '''Generate noise into this object'''

        def vertex_noise(vertex):
            x, y = vertex
            x = random.uniform(max(0.0, x - ratio * x), min(self.max_width, x + ratio * x))
            y = random.uniform(max(0.0, y - ratio * y), min(self.max_height, y + ratio * y))
            return (x, y)

        for i in range(3):
            self.vertices[i] = vertex_noise(self.vertices[i])

        return self

    def random_polygon(self) -> list:
        '''Generate a random triangle in the form [(x, y), (x, y), (x, y)]'''

        def random_vertex() -> tuple:
            x = random.uniform(0.0, self.max_width)
            y = random.uniform(0.0, self.max_height)
            return (x, y)

        return [random_vertex() for _ in range(3)]

    def random_color(cls) -> tuple:
        '''Generate a random RGBA color tuple'''
        def _random(lower, upper):
            return random.randint(lower, upper)

        return (_random(0, 255), _random(0, 255), _random(0, 255), _random(85, 255))

    def collection(cls, size, image) -> list:
        Generate collection of triangles


        size: int
            Number of triangles to generate

        image: PIL.Image
            Image to use for the Triangle constructor.
            See help(Triangle) for more info.


        collection: list
            Collection of polygons.

        return [cls(image) for _ in range(size)]   

这是绘画(个人) class:

class Painting:
    def __init__(self, num_objects, img):

        num_objects: int
            Number of triangles in each painting (this is the DNA size).

        img: PIL.Image
            Target image that we're trying to approximate

        self.polygons = Triangle.collection(num_objects, img)
        self.target = img
        self.fitness = float('inf')

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return self.fitness < other.fitness

    def __del__(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'canvas'):

    def fit(self):
        '''Fits individual's painted canvas against target image'''
        self.fitness = self._error(self.canvas, self.target)   
        return self

    def crossover(cls, indA, indB, ratio):
        Reproduces two painting objects and generates a painting child
        by randomly choosing genes from each parent in some given proportion.


        indA: Painting

        indB: Painting

        ratio: float
            Proportion of genes to be taken from the father object.


        child: Painting
        if len(indA.polygons) != len(indB.polygons):
            raise ValueError('Parents\' number of polygons don\'t match.')

        if indA.target != indB.target:
            raise ValueError('Parents\' target images don\'t match.')

        num_objects = len(indA.polygons)
        target = indA.target
        child = cls(num_objects, target)

        indA_ratio = int(ratio * num_objects)

        # Crossover Parents' triangles
        child.polygons = deepcopy(random.sample(indA.polygons, k=indA_ratio))
        child.polygons.extend(deepcopy(random.sample(indB.polygons, k=num_objects-indA_ratio)))

        return child

    def random_population(cls, size, num_objs, img):
        '''Generates a random population of paintings'''
        return [cls(num_objs, img) for _ in range(size)]

    def mutate(self, mutation_chance, mutation_ratio):
        Applies noise to the painting objects' genes, which is basically a "mutation"


        mutation_chance: float
            chance that each gene will be mutated

        mutation_ratio: float
            intensity of the mutation that will be caused in case it happens.

            The noise caused is just a small change in the polygons' vertices coordinates.

            See help(Painting.noise()) for more info.
        num_objs = len(self.polygons)

        rng = random.uniform(0.0, 1.0)

        if mutation_chance < rng:
            return self

        for i in range(num_objs):
            rng = random.uniform(0.0, 1.0)

            if mutation_chance < rng:


        return self

    def paint(self):
        '''Paints genoma into an empty canvas.'''
        if hasattr(self, 'canvas'):

        # Create white canvas
        self.canvas = Image.new(mode='RGB', size=self.target.size)
        draw_obj = ImageDraw.Draw(self.canvas, mode='RGBA')

        for poly in self.polygons:

    def _error(canvas, target):
        '''Mean Squared Error between PIL Images'''
        r_canvas, g_canvas, b_canvas = canvas.split()
        r_target, g_target, b_target = target.split()

        def mse(a, b):
            return np.square(np.subtract(a, b)).mean()

        return (mse(r_canvas, r_target) + mse(g_canvas, g_target) + mse(b_canvas, b_target)) / 3.0


def k_way_tournament_selection(population, number_of_winners, K=3):
    selected = []
    while len(selected) < number_of_winners:
        fighters = random.sample(population, k=min(number_of_winners-len(selected), K))


    return selected

EPOCHS = 200
POP_SIZE = 100
DNA_SIZE = 100

pop = Painting.random_population(POP_SIZE, DNA_SIZE, lisa)
initial = time()
generation_best = []

for ep in range(EPOCHS):
    pop = [p.fit() for p in pop]
    pop = sorted(pop)

    # Save Best
    best = pop[0]
    pop = pop[1:]

    # Tournament selection
    selected = []
    selected = k_way_tournament_selection(pop, int(len(pop) * SELECTION_RATIO))

    # Reproduce
    children = []
    while len(children) < POP_SIZE:
        indA = random.choice(selected)
        indB = random.choice(selected)

        cross = Painting.crossover(indA, indB, 0.5)

    # Mutate
    children = [child.mutate(MUTATION_CHANCE, MUTATION_RATIO) for child in children]

    pop = deepcopy(children)

    del children
    del selected

    t = time()
    print(f'EPOCH: {ep} | SIZE: {len(pop)} | ELAPSED: {round(t - initial, 2)}s | BEST: {best.fitness}')


问题出在 _error 函数中。每当 PIL 图像被转换为​​ numpy 数组时(当在两个 2D numpy 数组(图像通道)之间调用 np.subtract() 时),它就会被转换为 np.uint8 类型的 numpy 数组(unsigned int 8 字节),因为图像在 [0-255] 范围内,这是有道理的。但是在使用np.subtract的时候,如果你得到一个负值,那么它就会下溢,你的适应度函数就会乱了。

为了解决这个问题,只需在执行 np.subtract()

之前使用 np.array(channel, np.int32) 投射图像通道