如何 write/read 多次到一个管道

How to write/read multiple times to a pipe

我正在尝试让两个 child 进程通过 pipe.First 相互通信 child 必须写入数据 1 和数据 2,然后是第二个 child写入数据3和数据4。然后childrens互相读取数据并打印。这是我到目前为止的代码。它只显示 children 互相发送的第一条消息,然后挂起。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

int main(void) {

    pid_t child_a, child_b;
    int pipe_a[2],pipe_b[2];
    char mesazhi1[] = "First message";
    char mesazhi2[] = "Second message";

    char buf[50];

    int first_pipe = pipe(pipe_a);
    int second_pipe = pipe(pipe_b);

    if(first_pipe == -1 || second_pipe == -1 ){

    child_a = fork();

    if (child_a == 0) {
        /* Child A code */

        printf("%s\n","the first child is writing to pipe a" );
        write(pipe_a[1],mesazhi1, sizeof(mesazhi1));

        while( read(pipe_b[0],buf,sizeof(buf) + sizeof(buf) ) > 0 ){
              printf("Reading from buffer for child 1 gives:  %s \n",buf);

    } else {
        child_b = fork();

        if (child_b == 0) {
            /* Child B code */

            printf("%s\n","the second child is writing to pipe b" );

            while( read(pipe_a[0],buf,sizeof(buf) +sizeof(buf) ) > 0 ){
                printf("Reading from buffer for child 2 gives: %s \n",buf);

            printf("%s\n","the second child reads data from pipe a" );

        } else {
            /* Parent Code */

            int returnStatusA,returnStatusB;    
            waitpid(child_a, &returnStatusA, 0);  // Parent process waits here for child to terminate.
            waitpid(child_b, &returnStatusB, 0);  // Parent process waits here for child to terminate.

            if (returnStatusA == 0 && returnStatusB == 0)  // Verify child process terminated without error.  
               printf("%s\n", "The child processes terminated normally.\n"); 

            if (returnStatusA == 1 && returnStatusB == 1)      
               printf("%s\n", "The child processes terminated with an error!. \n" );    

            printf("%s\n","The parent terminates two childs");

您的代码导致 死锁

您使用 read() 函数的方式有误。 read(pipe_a[0],buf,sizeof(buf) +sizeof(buf) )

您期望缓冲区大小的两倍,并希望将那个数量的字节放入缓冲区。所以 child A 中的 read 等待 pipe_b,反之亦然。因此 child B 无法写入 pipe_b,因为它在 waiting.Similarly,child A 无法写入 pipe_a,因为它正在等待。


最后使用 strlen() 代替 sizeof 来计算字符串的长度。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(void) {

    pid_t child_a, child_b;
    int pipe_a[2],pipe_b[2];
    char mesazhi1[] = "First message";
    char mesazhi2[] = "Second message";

    char buf[50];

    int first_pipe = pipe(pipe_a);
    int second_pipe = pipe(pipe_b);

    if(first_pipe == -1 || second_pipe == -1 ){

    child_a = fork();

    if (child_a == 0) {
        /* Child A code */

        printf("%s\n","the first child is writing to pipe a" );
        write(pipe_a[1],mesazhi1, strlen(mesazhi1) + 1);
        write(pipe_a[1],mesazhi2, strlen(mesazhi2) + 1);

        read(pipe_b[0], buf, strlen(mesazhi1) + 1);
        printf("Reading from buffer for child 1 gives:  %s \n",buf);        
        read(pipe_b[0], buf, strlen(mesazhi2) + 1);
        printf("Reading from buffer for child 1 gives:  %s \n",buf);        

    } else {
        child_b = fork();

        if (child_b == 0) {
            /* Child B code */

            printf("%s\n","the second child is writing to pipe b" );

            read(pipe_a[0],buf, strlen(mesazhi1) + 1);
            printf("Reading from buffer for child 2 gives:  %s \n",buf);            
            read(pipe_a[0],buf, strlen(mesazhi2) + 1);
            printf("Reading from buffer for child 2 gives:  %s \n",buf);            

            write(pipe_b[1],mesazhi1, strlen(mesazhi1) + 1);
            write(pipe_b[1],mesazhi2, strlen(mesazhi2) + 1);

            printf("%s\n","the second child reads data from pipe a" );

        } else {
            /* Parent Code */

            int returnStatusA,returnStatusB;    
            waitpid(child_a, &returnStatusA, 0);  // Parent process waits here for child to terminate.
            waitpid(child_b, &returnStatusB, 0);  // Parent process waits here for child to terminate.

            if (returnStatusA == 0 && returnStatusB == 0)  // Verify child process terminated without error.  
               printf("%s\n", "The child processes terminated normally.\n"); 

            if (returnStatusA == 1 && returnStatusB == 1)      
               printf("%s\n", "The child processes terminated with an error!. \n" );    

            printf("%s\n","The parent terminates two childs");