在 QTreeWidget 中排序时调试断言(无效比较器)

Debug assertion (invalid comparator) when sorting in a QTreeWidget

我在 QTreeWidget 中使用了以下自定义 QTreeWidgetItem


#include <QTreeWidgetItem>

class FederateListItem : public QTreeWidgetItem {

  enum Type : int {
    Federate = 101,
    FederateNamespace = 102


  FederateListItem(QTreeWidget* parent, Type type);
  FederateListItem(QTreeWidgetItem* parent, Type type);


  bool operator<(const QTreeWidgetItem& other) const;
  bool operator==(const QTreeWidgetItem& other) const;

#include "FederateListItem.hpp"

// CONSTANTS SECTION                                                         //

const QString FederateNamespaceCloseIcon{ ":/icons/FederateNamespaceActive.png" };
const QString FederateIcon(":/icons/FederateActive.png");

// PUBLIC SECTION                                                            //

FederateListItem::FederateListItem(QTreeWidget* parent, Type type) :
  QTreeWidgetItem(parent, static_cast<int>(type)) {
  switch (type) {
  case Type::Federate: {
    setIcon(0, QIcon(FederateIcon));
  } break;
  case Type::FederateNamespace: {
    setIcon(0, QIcon(FederateNamespaceCloseIcon));
  } break;
  default: {


FederateListItem::FederateListItem(QTreeWidgetItem* parent, Type type) :
  QTreeWidgetItem(parent, static_cast<int>(type)) {
  switch (type) {
  case Type::Federate: {
    setIcon(0, QIcon(FederateIcon));
  } break;
  case Type::FederateNamespace: {
    setIcon(0, QIcon(FederateNamespaceCloseIcon));
  } break;
  default: {


// PUBLIC MEMBER OPERATORS SECTION                                           //

bool FederateListItem::operator<(const QTreeWidgetItem& other) const {
  if ((type() == Type::FederateNamespace) && (other.type() == Type::Federate)) {
    return true;
  return text(0) < other.text(0);

bool FederateListItem::operator==(const QTreeWidgetItem& other) const {
  return (type() == other.type()) && (text(0) == other.text(0));

基本上我需要使用两种类型的项目:federate 一种是叶子,另一种是 federatenamespace 可以包含 federatefederatenamespace 子项目.

我想对它们进行排序,因此在任何级别,我首先有所有 federatenamespace 个项目,然后是 federates 个。就像在 Windows 资源管理器中一样,我首先看到的是文件夹,然后是文件。

为了在我的自定义项目中完成此操作,我添加了一些运算符方法:首先我检查项目的类型,然后我尝试为 FederateNamespace 项目提供先例,因此它们应该首先显示.如果类型相同,则按名称排序。

然后我创建 QTreeWidget:

  m_tree = new QTreeWidget(this);
  m_tree->setHeaderLabels({ FederatesLabel });



断言由 Qt 提出,表示比较器无效。



我已经听从了 Scheff 的建议,但稍作调整就没有效果。问题是我的操作员方法。这有效:

bool FederateListItem::operator<(const QTreeWidgetItem& other) const {
  if ((type() == Type::FederateNamespace) && (other.type() == Type::Federate)) {
    return false;
  if ((type() == Type::Federate) && (other.type() == Type::FederateNamespace)) {
    return true;
  return text(0) > other.text(0);


You don't consider the case that (type() == Type::Federate) && (other.type() == Type::FederateNamespace) which should result in false regardless of the text(0)s. I know this VS error and it results from an assert which checks !(B < A) for A < B to ensure that the strict order is achieved/granted by the predicate.

我对固定 less 运算符的建议:

bool FederateListItem::operator<(const QTreeWidgetItem& other) const {
  if (type() != other.type()) return type() == Type::FederateNamespace;
  return text(0) < other.text(0);