
How to get two tables within a textFrame at the same Height

我在 textFrame 中创建了两个 tables,因为有人告诉我这可能是让两个 tables 在相同高度彼此交叉的最佳方式。当我为右边的 table 填写我的数据和 headers 时,它不会延伸到与左边的 table 相同高度的底部。即使我添加了更多的 AddParagraphs(),右侧 table 大麦的底部也超过了左侧 table 的底部边界,因此使 table 的高度不均匀。有没有修复或不同的方法来做到这一点?我希望右侧 table 上写着 "ADV Integrity" 的地方与 table.



            //textFrame for Invoice info
            TextFrame billFrame = section.AddTextFrame();

            billFrame.Height = "5.0cm";
            billFrame.Width = "6.0cm";
            billFrame.RelativeHorizontal = RelativeHorizontal.Margin;
            billFrame.Top = "7.5cm";
            billFrame.MarginRight = "10.0cm";
            billFrame.RelativeVertical = RelativeVertical.Page;
            billFrame.Left = ShapePosition.Left;

            //putting table into the Invoice textFrame
            Table table = billFrame.AddTable();

            table.Borders.Width = 0.75;

            Column column = table.AddColumn(Unit.FromCentimeter(7));
            column.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Left;

            //define headers of "Bill To" table
            Row row = table.AddRow();
            row.HeadingFormat = true;
            Cell cell = row.Cells[0];
            row.Shading.Color = Colors.LightGray;
            cell.AddParagraph("Bill To:");
            cell.Format.Font.Bold = true;

            //showing data inside Bill table
            row = table.AddRow();
            cell = row.Cells[0];
            cell.AddParagraph("ADV Integrity");
            cell.AddParagraph("Attn: Wendy Courtright");
            cell.AddParagraph("P.O. Box 1449");
            cell.AddParagraph("Waller, TX 77484");
            cell.AddParagraph("United States");

            //textFrame for Invoice info
            TextFrame invoiceFrame = section.AddTextFrame();
            invoiceFrame.Height = "5.0cm";
            invoiceFrame.Width = "6.0cm";
            invoiceFrame.Left = ShapePosition.Right;

            //adding table inside Invoice textFrame
            table = invoiceFrame.AddTable();
            table.Borders.Width = 0.75;

            column = table.AddColumn(Unit.FromCentimeter(3.5));
            column.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Left;

            column = table.AddColumn(Unit.FromCentimeter(3.5));
            column.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Left;

            //headers for Invoice table
            row = table.AddRow();
            row.HeadingFormat = true;
            cell = row.Cells[0];
            row.Shading.Color = Colors.LightGray;
            cell.Format.Font.Bold = true;

            cell = row.Cells[1];
            cell.Format.Font.Bold = true;

            //defining rows and data inside Invoice table
            row = table.AddRow();

            cell = row.Cells[0];

            cell = row.Cells[1];

            row = table.AddRow();

            cell = row.Cells[0];
            row.Cells[0].Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Left;
            row.Cells[0].Format.Font.Bold = true;
            row.Cells[0].Shading.Color = Colors.LightGray;
            row.Cells[0].MergeRight = 1;

            row = table.AddRow();
            cell = row.Cells[0];
            row.Cells[0].Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Left;
            row.Cells[0].MergeRight = 1;
            cell.AddParagraph("ADV Integrity");


我会创建一个 table,中间有一个不可见的列。单身table,一个身高,问题解决。如果您想要一个单元格作为地址,您可以使用 MergeDown

对于两个 table,您可以设置行的高度以确保两个 table 具有相同的高度。如果单元格的内容突然不适合 table.
