R 数据框单元格包含 dataframe/tibble - 如何访问或可视化?
R dataframe cell contains dataframe/tibble - how to access or visualize?
出色的包 inspectdf
生成小标题输出,其中一列包含另一个小标题(或列表)。此问题底部 dput
> test
# A tibble: 4 x 10
col_name min q1 median mean q3 max sd pcnt_na hist
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <list>
1 contacts 0 1 1 4.14 2 480 14.9 1.10 <tibble [26 x 2]>
2 pop 0.02 735. 2225. 4651. 4722. 289825. 10590. 0.082 <tibble [17 x 2]>
3 limit 0 750 1000 5994. 3500 500000 33355. 0.055 <tibble [27 x 2]>
4 code_count 1 1 1 1.72 2 43 1.50 0 <tibble [24 x 2]>
> test$hist[1]
# A tibble: 26 x 2
value prop
<chr> <dbl>
1 [-Inf, 0) 0
2 [0, 20) 0.961
3 [20, 40) 0.0200
4 [40, 60) 0.00696
5 [60, 80) 0.00352
6 [80, 100) 0.00200
7 [100, 120) 0.00144
8 [120, 140) 0.000837
9 [140, 160) 0.000696
10 [160, 180) 0.000459
# ... with 16 more rows
问题是,如何使最后一列可访问或能够从显示机制中可视化?例如,当我使用 DT
时,它会将 [object: Object]
放在最右边的列中,而我想要一些有用的东西,比如 link 来查看或弹出嵌入的数据:
test %>% DT::datatable()
有没有办法使用迷你图,或制作 link,或任何其他方式来显示最后一列的内容?欢迎所有方法(如果有一种方法可以在 DT
test <- structure(list(col_name = c("contacts", "pop", "limit", "code_count"
), min = c(0, 0.02, 0, 1), q1 = c(1, 735.1, 750, 1), median = c(1,
2224.73, 1000, 1), mean = c(4.142, 4651.211, 5994.002, 1.717),
q3 = c(2, 4721.56, 3500, 2), max = c(480, 289825.16, 5e+05,
43), sd = c(14.926, 10590.427, 33354.671, 1.501), pcnt_na = c(1.103,
0.082, 0.055, 0), hist = list(structure(list(value = c("[-Inf, 0)",
"[0, 20)", "[20, 40)", "[40, 60)", "[60, 80)", "[80, 100)",
"[100, 120)", "[120, 140)", "[140, 160)", "[160, 180)", "[180, 200)",
"[200, 220)", "[220, 240)", "[240, 260)", "[260, 280)", "[280, 300)",
"[300, 320)", "[320, 340)", "[340, 360)", "[360, 380)", "[380, 400)",
"[400, 420)", "[420, 440)", "[440, 460)", "[460, 480)", "[480, Inf)"
), prop = c(0, 0.961394177780924, 0.0200167851400953, 0.00696279968047565,
0.00352285711396706, 0.00199601605710992, 0.00143785959129195,
0.000837234698726958, 0.000695673276236893, 0.000459063470074926,
0.00138527963436707, 0.00129023125069517, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.02230603557236e-06, 0)), row.names = c(NA,
-26L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")), structure(list(
value = c("[-Inf, 0)", "[0, 20000)", "[20000, 40000)",
"[40000, 60000)", "[60000, 80000)", "[80000, 1e+05)",
"[1e+05, 120000)", "[120000, 140000)", "[140000, 160000)",
"[160000, 180000)", "[180000, 2e+05)", "[2e+05, 220000)",
"[220000, 240000)", "[240000, 260000)", "[260000, 280000)",
"[280000, 3e+05)", "[3e+05, Inf)"), prop = c(0, 0.965121399547629,
0.0219419924337957, 0.00583678616465502, 0.00279829460157329,
0.00160731800076062, 0.00102283872775676, 0.000630517023959647,
0.000388318421105306, 0.000296242919193739, 0.000178146079785424,
6.40525230689165e-05, 6.20508817230129e-05, 4.60377509557837e-05,
4.00328269180728e-06, 2.00164134590364e-06, 0)), row.names = c(NA,
-17L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")), structure(list(
value = c("[-Inf, 0)", "[0, 20000)", "[20000, 40000)",
"[40000, 60000)", "[60000, 80000)", "[80000, 1e+05)",
"[1e+05, 120000)", "[120000, 140000)", "[140000, 160000)",
"[160000, 180000)", "[180000, 2e+05)", "[2e+05, 220000)",
"[220000, 240000)", "[240000, 260000)", "[260000, 280000)",
"[280000, 3e+05)", "[3e+05, 320000)", "[320000, 340000)",
"[340000, 360000)", "[360000, 380000)", "[380000, 4e+05)",
"[4e+05, 420000)", "[420000, 440000)", "[440000, 460000)",
"[460000, 480000)", "[480000, 5e+05)", "[5e+05, Inf)"
), prop = c(0, 0.962615288870034, 0.00958330915327091,
0.0104617958348925, 0.00314974495870712, 0, 0.00967936236675118,
0, 5.00277153543063e-05, 0, 0, 8.80487790235791e-05,
0, 0.000580321498109953, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0.00379210082385642, 0)), row.names = c(NA, -27L), class = c("tbl_df",
"tbl", "data.frame")), structure(list(value = c("[-Inf, 0)",
"[0, 2)", "[2, 4)", "[4, 6)", "[6, 8)", "[8, 10)", "[10, 12)",
"[12, 14)", "[14, 16)", "[16, 18)", "[18, 20)", "[20, 22)",
"[22, 24)", "[24, 26)", "[26, 28)", "[28, 30)", "[30, 32)",
"[32, 34)", "[34, 36)", "[36, 38)", "[38, 40)", "[40, 42)",
"[42, 44)", "[44, Inf)"), prop = c(0, 0.663122, 0.251104,
0.054242, 0.01933, 0.007962, 0.002444, 0.000946, 0.00032,
0.00016, 8.4e-05, 4e-05, 1.4e-05, 1.2e-05, 8.4e-05, 0.000102,
1.6e-05, 0, 4e-06, 2e-06, 2e-06, 4e-06, 6e-06, 0)), row.names = c(NA,
-24L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")))), row.names = c(NA,
-4L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
您可能希望 unnest
或 unnest_wider
您可以使用 sparkline
包可视化嵌套的 tibble :
# Create the HTML tag for each tibble
hist_spark <- test$hist %>% purrr::map( function(x) {
test$hist_spark <- hist_spark
# Render the tags
options = list(
columnDefs = list(list(visible=FALSE, targets=c(c(10)))),
fnDrawCallback = htmlwidgets::JS('function(){HTMLWidgets.staticRender();}')
) %>% sparkline::spk_add_deps()
数据表选项和 spk_add_deps
出色的包 inspectdf
生成小标题输出,其中一列包含另一个小标题(或列表)。此问题底部 dput
> test
# A tibble: 4 x 10
col_name min q1 median mean q3 max sd pcnt_na hist
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <list>
1 contacts 0 1 1 4.14 2 480 14.9 1.10 <tibble [26 x 2]>
2 pop 0.02 735. 2225. 4651. 4722. 289825. 10590. 0.082 <tibble [17 x 2]>
3 limit 0 750 1000 5994. 3500 500000 33355. 0.055 <tibble [27 x 2]>
4 code_count 1 1 1 1.72 2 43 1.50 0 <tibble [24 x 2]>
> test$hist[1]
# A tibble: 26 x 2
value prop
<chr> <dbl>
1 [-Inf, 0) 0
2 [0, 20) 0.961
3 [20, 40) 0.0200
4 [40, 60) 0.00696
5 [60, 80) 0.00352
6 [80, 100) 0.00200
7 [100, 120) 0.00144
8 [120, 140) 0.000837
9 [140, 160) 0.000696
10 [160, 180) 0.000459
# ... with 16 more rows
问题是,如何使最后一列可访问或能够从显示机制中可视化?例如,当我使用 DT
时,它会将 [object: Object]
放在最右边的列中,而我想要一些有用的东西,比如 link 来查看或弹出嵌入的数据:
test %>% DT::datatable()
有没有办法使用迷你图,或制作 link,或任何其他方式来显示最后一列的内容?欢迎所有方法(如果有一种方法可以在 DT
test <- structure(list(col_name = c("contacts", "pop", "limit", "code_count"
), min = c(0, 0.02, 0, 1), q1 = c(1, 735.1, 750, 1), median = c(1,
2224.73, 1000, 1), mean = c(4.142, 4651.211, 5994.002, 1.717),
q3 = c(2, 4721.56, 3500, 2), max = c(480, 289825.16, 5e+05,
43), sd = c(14.926, 10590.427, 33354.671, 1.501), pcnt_na = c(1.103,
0.082, 0.055, 0), hist = list(structure(list(value = c("[-Inf, 0)",
"[0, 20)", "[20, 40)", "[40, 60)", "[60, 80)", "[80, 100)",
"[100, 120)", "[120, 140)", "[140, 160)", "[160, 180)", "[180, 200)",
"[200, 220)", "[220, 240)", "[240, 260)", "[260, 280)", "[280, 300)",
"[300, 320)", "[320, 340)", "[340, 360)", "[360, 380)", "[380, 400)",
"[400, 420)", "[420, 440)", "[440, 460)", "[460, 480)", "[480, Inf)"
), prop = c(0, 0.961394177780924, 0.0200167851400953, 0.00696279968047565,
0.00352285711396706, 0.00199601605710992, 0.00143785959129195,
0.000837234698726958, 0.000695673276236893, 0.000459063470074926,
0.00138527963436707, 0.00129023125069517, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.02230603557236e-06, 0)), row.names = c(NA,
-26L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")), structure(list(
value = c("[-Inf, 0)", "[0, 20000)", "[20000, 40000)",
"[40000, 60000)", "[60000, 80000)", "[80000, 1e+05)",
"[1e+05, 120000)", "[120000, 140000)", "[140000, 160000)",
"[160000, 180000)", "[180000, 2e+05)", "[2e+05, 220000)",
"[220000, 240000)", "[240000, 260000)", "[260000, 280000)",
"[280000, 3e+05)", "[3e+05, Inf)"), prop = c(0, 0.965121399547629,
0.0219419924337957, 0.00583678616465502, 0.00279829460157329,
0.00160731800076062, 0.00102283872775676, 0.000630517023959647,
0.000388318421105306, 0.000296242919193739, 0.000178146079785424,
6.40525230689165e-05, 6.20508817230129e-05, 4.60377509557837e-05,
4.00328269180728e-06, 2.00164134590364e-06, 0)), row.names = c(NA,
-17L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")), structure(list(
value = c("[-Inf, 0)", "[0, 20000)", "[20000, 40000)",
"[40000, 60000)", "[60000, 80000)", "[80000, 1e+05)",
"[1e+05, 120000)", "[120000, 140000)", "[140000, 160000)",
"[160000, 180000)", "[180000, 2e+05)", "[2e+05, 220000)",
"[220000, 240000)", "[240000, 260000)", "[260000, 280000)",
"[280000, 3e+05)", "[3e+05, 320000)", "[320000, 340000)",
"[340000, 360000)", "[360000, 380000)", "[380000, 4e+05)",
"[4e+05, 420000)", "[420000, 440000)", "[440000, 460000)",
"[460000, 480000)", "[480000, 5e+05)", "[5e+05, Inf)"
), prop = c(0, 0.962615288870034, 0.00958330915327091,
0.0104617958348925, 0.00314974495870712, 0, 0.00967936236675118,
0, 5.00277153543063e-05, 0, 0, 8.80487790235791e-05,
0, 0.000580321498109953, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0.00379210082385642, 0)), row.names = c(NA, -27L), class = c("tbl_df",
"tbl", "data.frame")), structure(list(value = c("[-Inf, 0)",
"[0, 2)", "[2, 4)", "[4, 6)", "[6, 8)", "[8, 10)", "[10, 12)",
"[12, 14)", "[14, 16)", "[16, 18)", "[18, 20)", "[20, 22)",
"[22, 24)", "[24, 26)", "[26, 28)", "[28, 30)", "[30, 32)",
"[32, 34)", "[34, 36)", "[36, 38)", "[38, 40)", "[40, 42)",
"[42, 44)", "[44, Inf)"), prop = c(0, 0.663122, 0.251104,
0.054242, 0.01933, 0.007962, 0.002444, 0.000946, 0.00032,
0.00016, 8.4e-05, 4e-05, 1.4e-05, 1.2e-05, 8.4e-05, 0.000102,
1.6e-05, 0, 4e-06, 2e-06, 2e-06, 4e-06, 6e-06, 0)), row.names = c(NA,
-24L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")))), row.names = c(NA,
-4L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
您可能希望 unnest
或 unnest_wider
您可以使用 sparkline
包可视化嵌套的 tibble :
# Create the HTML tag for each tibble
hist_spark <- test$hist %>% purrr::map( function(x) {
test$hist_spark <- hist_spark
# Render the tags
options = list(
columnDefs = list(list(visible=FALSE, targets=c(c(10)))),
fnDrawCallback = htmlwidgets::JS('function(){HTMLWidgets.staticRender();}')
) %>% sparkline::spk_add_deps()
数据表选项和 spk_add_deps