玛雅Python。使用 for 循环的育儿组

Maya Python. Parenting groups with for loop

所以我一直在根据本视频中使用的 antcgi 方法为手指开发自动触发器:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vJxXLw16Ak&t=1150s

脚本本身很容易使用,只需创建任何 5 个关节链,select 关节的根部,然后点击 "build finger control" 忽略其余按钮,因为它们实际上什么都不做没有完整的自动触发

我 运行 遇到的问题是第 162 到 167 行。它上面的 for 循环很好地创建了控件:但我希望它在层次结构中正确地作为控件的父级。第 170 到 171 行工作正常:但它们的可塑性不强,并且由于名称是半硬编码的,因此该脚本在拇指链上不起作用。

每当我尝试使用 rel = pm.ls 循环时,我都会收到一条错误消息“'list' object has no attribute 'replace' #”


import DS_humanFingerPresetBuilder_V1
reload (DS_humanFingerPresetBuilder_V1)
import maya.cmds as pm

if pm.window("autoArmWin", exists =True):
    pm.deleteUI("autoArmWin", window = True)

myWindow = pm.window("autoArmWin",t='DS_handOmatic_V3',rtf=1,w=100, h=100, toolbox=True)
column = pm.columnLayout(adj=True)

def gui(*args):
    pm.button(w=300,label='Print Instructions(Check Script Editor)',c=printInstructions)
    pm.separator(w=300, h=3)
    pm.rowColumnLayout( numberOfRows=1 )
    pm.optionMenu('primePref',label='Select Primer',w=300)
    pm.menuItem( label='Build Offset Group')
    pm.menuItem( label='Prime Finger')
    pm.button(w=300,label='Prime Game Finger',c=primeGameFinger)
    pm.separator( w=300, h=9)

    pm.rowColumnLayout( numberOfRows=1 )
    pm.optionMenu('axisPref',label='Select Aim Axis',w=300)
    pm.menuItem( label='X')
    pm.menuItem( label='Y')
    pm.menuItem( label='Z')

    pm.rowLayout(numberOfColumns = 3,adjustableColumn=2)
    pm.optionMenu('sidePref',label='Select Side      ',w=300)
    pm.menuItem( label='lf' )
    pm.menuItem( label='rt' )
    pm.menuItem( label='ct' )

    pm.rowLayout(numberOfColumns = 3,adjustableColumn=2)
    pm.optionMenu('fingPref',label='Select Finger  ',w=300)
    pm.menuItem( label='Index' )
    pm.menuItem( label='Middle' )
    pm.menuItem( label='Ring' )
    pm.menuItem( label='Pinky' )
    pm.menuItem( label='Thumb' )

    pm.rowLayout(numberOfColumns = 3,adjustableColumn=2)
    pm.text(l='Set Increment  ')
    pm.textField('incText',it = '1',editable=True,w=220)

        label='Control Color',
        columnWidth=[( 1, 80 ),( 2, 40 ), ( 3, 150 )])

    pm.button(w=300,label= "Build Finger Control",c=buildTemplate)

    pm.separator( w=300, h=9)
    pm.button(w=300,label='Cleanup Heirarchy',bgc=(0.850,0.534,0.151),c=cleanup)

    # add increment to arm tool to allow multiple limb creation

def primeGameFinger(*args):
    primePref = pm.optionMenu('primePref',query=True,value=True)
    sidePref = pm.optionMenu('sidePref',query=True,value=True)
    incPref = pm.textField('incText', query=True, text=True)
    handSide = sidePref + incPref

    root = pm.ls(sl=True)[0]
    child = pm.listRelatives(root,ad=1,type='joint')
    limbJnt = child


    if primePref == 'Build Offset Group':
        pm.group(n=handSide + '_hand_CTRL_offset_GRP',empty=True,world=True)
        pm.parentConstraint(handSide+'_wrist_BIND',handSide + '_hand_CTRL_offset_GRP',mo=False)

    elif primePref == 'Prime Finger':

        root = pm.ls(sl=True)[0]
        child = pm.listRelatives(root,ad=1,f=True,children=True,type='joint')
        limbJnt = child

        #rename the arm joints
        for j, name in enumerate(child):

def buildTemplate(*args):
    sidePref = pm.optionMenu('sidePref',query=True,value=True)
    fingerPref = pm.optionMenu('fingPref',query=True,value=True)
    incPref = pm.textField('incText', query=True, text=True)

    colorPref = pm.colorIndexSliderGrp('controlColor',query=True,value=True) #this variable links to the color slider group in the GUI
    colorPref = colorPref -1 # this reverses the first variable to ensure you are getting the proper color from the color selector

    fingerTemplate = sidePref +'_'+ fingerPref +'_'+ incPref

    lookFor = fingerTemplate +'AJ'

    #rename finger joints
    #list all joints in chain, this list will be refrenced by all the commands beneath it
    root = pm.ls(sl=True)
    child = pm.listRelatives(root,ad=1,children=True,type='joint')#I removed f=True flag to get it to ignore the clavicle glitch
    limbJnt = child

    #rename the arm joints
    for j, name in enumerate(child):
        pm.rename(name,fingerTemplate + 'AJ{0}_BIND_JNT'.format(len(child)-j))

    #rename beggining and end joints to start and end respectivly
    root = pm.ls(sl=True)
    child = pm.listRelatives(root,ad=1,f=True,children=True,type='joint')
    pm.rename(child[0],fingerTemplate +'AJ_BIND_END_JNT')

    root = pm.ls(sl=True)
    child = pm.listRelatives(root,ad=1,children=True,type='joint')#I removed f=True flag to get it to ignore the clavicle glitch
    limbJnt = child


    #build FK finger controls
    for j in limbJnt:
            grpN = j.replace('_JNT','Orient_GRP') #create the name for the first offset group 
            grpM = j.replace('_JNT','Modify_GRP') #create the name for the second offset group
            ctl = j.replace('_JNT','_CTRL') #create the name for the fk control (will eventually have shape and color options)

            #this block of text links back to the option menu and allows different shape creation 
            pm.curve(n=ctl, d=1,p=[(0,0,0),(0,2,0),(-1,3,0),(1,3,0),(0,2,0)])

            pm.group(n=grpN,em=1) #create the first offset group
            pm.group(n=grpM,em=1) #create the second offset group
            pm.parent(ctl,grpM) #parent the control under the proper group 
            pm.parent(grpM,grpN) #parent the groups accordingly

            tmpCons = pm.parentConstraint(j, grpN,mo=False)#create temporary constraint to pop FK control offset into place
            pm.delete(tmpCons) #delete temporary constraint group when no longer needed

            linkCons = pm.parentConstraint(ctl,j,mo=False)#parent constraint the FK joint to the proper control

            pm.setAttr(ctl + '.overrideEnabled', 1)
            pm.setAttr(ctl + '.overrideColor', colorPref)#create a textfield for manually enterring the number of the color:

            #this line is supposed to parent the finger fk controls properly: but it's being a little shit
            rel = pm.listRelatives(j, p=1)
            if rel:
                if lookFor in rel[0]:
                    rel = rel[0].replace('_JNT', '_CTRL')
                    pm.parent(grpN, rel)
    #this chunk will be redundant when you figure out to make the list relatives above parent controls in the proper order

    #add attributes to controls
    pm.addAttr(fingerTemplate+'AJ2_BIND_CTRL',ln='Y_Translate', attributeType='float', keyable=True)
    pm.addAttr(fingerTemplate+'AJ2_BIND_CTRL',ln='Z_Translate', attributeType='float', keyable=True)
    pm.addAttr(fingerTemplate+'AJ2_BIND_CTRL',ln='X_Translate', attributeType='float', keyable=True)

    #create and link nodes


    #Build and connect Nodes for metacarpal rotation


    pm.connectAttr(fingerTemplate+'_meta_ctrlMultDiv.outputX',fingerTemplate+'AJ1_BIND_JNT'+'.rotateZ')#joint Connect


    pm.connectAttr(fingerTemplate+'_meta_ctrlMultDiv.outputY',fingerTemplate+'AJ1_BIND_JNT'+'.rotateY')#joint Connect

    pm.connectAttr(fingerTemplate+'_meta_ctrlMultDiv.outputZ',fingerTemplate+'AJ1_BIND_JNT'+'.rotateX')#joint Connect


    #figure out what X is supposed to do

def cleanup(*args):

def printInstructions(*args):
    print"Step 1: Select your finger joint: it should have 5 joints"
    print"        -The first finger joint should be a matacarpal torwards the end of the wrist"
    print"        -until updated: it's recomended your finger joints have an X Aim axis"
    print"Step 2: If you are using the full autorigger, follow steps 3 through 4: otherwise skip them"
    print"Step 3: Hit prime game finger to create an offset group for your finger controls"
    print"Step 4: Change the pulldown next to Select Primer to PrimeFinger and hit Prime Game Finger again"

    print"Step 5: Select your aim axis"
    print"Step 6: Select your side"
    print"Step 7: Select your finger type"
    print"Step 8: with the root joint of your finger selected: hit build finger controls"

    print"Step 9: when you are finished, hit Cleanup Heirarchy to place it in the right place in the rig heirarchy(Full autorigger required)"

大多数问题都来自忽略长名称。您可以 运行 在 'EDIT' 上搜索以查看我留下更改和评论的位置:

import DS_humanFingerPresetBuilder_V1
reload (DS_humanFingerPresetBuilder_V1)
import maya.cmds as pm

if pm.window("autoArmWin", exists =True):
    pm.deleteUI("autoArmWin", window = True)

myWindow = pm.window("autoArmWin",t='DS_handOmatic_V3',rtf=1,w=100, h=100, toolbox=True)
column = pm.columnLayout(adj=True)

def gui(*args):
    pm.button(w=300,label='Print Instructions(Check Script Editor)',c=printInstructions)
    pm.separator(w=300, h=3)
    pm.rowColumnLayout( numberOfRows=1 )
    pm.optionMenu('primePref',label='Select Primer',w=300)
    pm.menuItem( label='Build Offset Group')
    pm.menuItem( label='Prime Finger')
    pm.button(w=300,label='Prime Game Finger',c=primeGameFinger)
    pm.separator( w=300, h=9)

    pm.rowColumnLayout( numberOfRows=1 )
    pm.optionMenu('axisPref',label='Select Aim Axis',w=300)
    pm.menuItem( label='X')
    pm.menuItem( label='Y')
    pm.menuItem( label='Z')

    pm.rowLayout(numberOfColumns = 3,adjustableColumn=2)
    pm.optionMenu('sidePref',label='Select Side      ',w=300)
    pm.menuItem( label='lf' )
    pm.menuItem( label='rt' )
    pm.menuItem( label='ct' )

    pm.rowLayout(numberOfColumns = 3,adjustableColumn=2)
    pm.optionMenu('fingPref',label='Select Finger  ',w=300)
    pm.menuItem( label='Index' )
    pm.menuItem( label='Middle' )
    pm.menuItem( label='Ring' )
    pm.menuItem( label='Pinky' )
    pm.menuItem( label='Thumb' )

    pm.rowLayout(numberOfColumns = 3,adjustableColumn=2)
    pm.text(l='Set Increment  ')
    pm.textField('incText',it = '1',editable=True,w=220)

        label='Control Color',
        columnWidth=[( 1, 80 ),( 2, 40 ), ( 3, 150 )])

    pm.button(w=300,label= "Build Finger Control",c=buildTemplate)

    pm.separator( w=300, h=9)
    pm.button(w=300,label='Cleanup Heirarchy',bgc=(0.850,0.534,0.151),c=cleanup)

    # add increment to arm tool to allow multiple limb creation

def primeGameFinger(*args):
    primePref = pm.optionMenu('primePref',query=True,value=True)
    sidePref = pm.optionMenu('sidePref',query=True,value=True)
    incPref = pm.textField('incText', query=True, text=True)
    handSide = sidePref + incPref

    root = pm.ls(sl=True)[0]
    child = pm.listRelatives(root,f=True,ad=1,type='joint')  # EDIT: Use long names
    limbJnt = child


    if primePref == 'Build Offset Group':
        pm.group(n=handSide + '_hand_CTRL_offset_GRP',empty=True,world=True)
        pm.parentConstraint(handSide+'_wrist_BIND',handSide + '_hand_CTRL_offset_GRP',mo=False)

    elif primePref == 'Prime Finger':

        root = pm.ls(sl=True)[0]
        child = pm.listRelatives(root,ad=1,f=True,children=True,type='joint')
        limbJnt = child

        #rename the arm joints
        for j, name in enumerate(child):

def buildTemplate(*args):
    sidePref = pm.optionMenu('sidePref',query=True,value=True)
    fingerPref = pm.optionMenu('fingPref',query=True,value=True)
    incPref = pm.textField('incText', query=True, text=True)

    colorPref = pm.colorIndexSliderGrp('controlColor',query=True,value=True) #this variable links to the color slider group in the GUI
    colorPref = colorPref -1 # this reverses the first variable to ensure you are getting the proper color from the color selector

    fingerTemplate = sidePref +'_'+ fingerPref +'_'+ incPref

    lookFor = fingerTemplate +'AJ'

    #rename finger joints
    #list all joints in chain, this list will be refrenced by all the commands beneath it
    root = pm.ls(sl=True)
    child = pm.listRelatives(root,f=True,ad=1,children=True,type='joint')  # EDIT: Use long names
    limbJnt = child

    #rename the arm joints
    for j, name in enumerate(child):
        pm.rename(name,fingerTemplate + 'AJ{0}_BIND_JNT'.format(len(child)-j))

    #rename beggining and end joints to start and end respectivly
    root = pm.ls(sl=True)
    child = pm.listRelatives(root,ad=1,f=True,children=True,type='joint')
    pm.rename(child[0],fingerTemplate +'AJ_BIND_END_JNT')

    root = pm.ls(sl=True)
    rootJnt = root[0]  # EDIT: Need this for later.
    child = pm.listRelatives(root,f=True,ad=1,children=True,type='joint')  # EDIT: Use long names
    limbJnt = child

    #build FK finger controls
    # EDIT: We're going to store objects we made in the loop here so we no longer need to hard-code names.
    orientGrps = []
    ctls = []

    for j in limbJnt:
            # EDIT: Since we are using these for names we need use split to convert from long names to short
            grpNName = j.split("|")[-1].replace('_JNT','Orient_GRP') #create the name for the first offset group 
            grpMName = j.split("|")[-1].replace('_JNT','Modify_GRP') #create the name for the second offset group
            ctlName = j.split("|")[-1].replace('_JNT','_CTRL') #create the name for the fk control (will eventually have shape and color options)

            #this block of text links back to the option menu and allows different shape creation 
            ctl = pm.curve(n=ctlName, d=1,p=[(0,0,0),(0,2,0),(-1,3,0),(1,3,0),(0,2,0)])  # EDIT: Assign the variable as you create it! No assumptions are made this way as Maya can split out a different output.

            grpN = pm.group(n=grpNName,em=1) # EDIT: Assign variable here
            grpM = pm.group(n=grpMName,em=1) # EDIT: Assign variable here

            # EDIT: Parenting changes the object's hierarchy, which also changes its long name. We need to reassign the variables as we parent to keep track of its new long name or we'll be referring to objects that no longer exist!
            grpM = pm.parent(grpM,grpN)[0] # EDIT: Important, need to parent this first because you're parenting ctl to this. If you do it 2nd, it will mess up ctl's long name.
            ctl = pm.parent(ctl,grpM)[0] #parent the control under the proper group 

            tmpCons = pm.parentConstraint(j, grpN,mo=False)#create temporary constraint to pop FK control offset into place
            pm.delete(tmpCons) #delete temporary constraint group when no longer needed

            linkCons = pm.parentConstraint(ctl,j,mo=False)#parent constraint the FK joint to the proper control

            pm.setAttr(ctl + '.overrideEnabled', 1)
            pm.setAttr(ctl + '.overrideColor', colorPref)#create a textfield for manually enterring the number of the color:

            # EDIT: Add objects to list.
            orientGrps.insert(0, grpN)
            ctls.insert(0, ctl)

            #this line is supposed to parent the finger fk controls properly: but it's being a little shit
            rel = pm.listRelatives(j, p=1)
            if rel:
                if lookFor in rel[0]:
                    rel = rel[0].replace('_JNT', '_CTRL')
                    pm.parent(grpN, rel)

    # EDIT: Beyond here was too hard-coded and would fail a 2nd time, so we must use our variables.

    #this chunk will be redundant when you figure out to make the list relatives above parent controls in the proper order
    pm.parent(orientGrps[2], ctls[1])
    pm.parent(orientGrps[1], ctls[0])

    #add attributes to controls
    pm.addAttr(ctls[0], ln='Y_Translate', attributeType='float', keyable=True)
    pm.addAttr(ctls[0], ln='Z_Translate', attributeType='float', keyable=True)
    pm.addAttr(ctls[0], ln='X_Translate', attributeType='float', keyable=True)

    #create and link nodes
    pm.setAttr(ctls[0] + '.Y_Translate',30)
    pm.setAttr(ctls[0] + '.Z_Translate',-30)
    pm.setAttr(ctls[0] + '.X_Translate',0.25)

    ctrlMultDiv = pm.createNode('multiplyDivide',n=fingerTemplate+'_meta_ctrlMultDiv')  # Assign variable to new object!

    #Build and connect Nodes for metacarpal rotation
    pm.connectAttr(ctls[0] + '.translateY', ctrlMultDiv + '.input1X')  # EDIT: Use variable!!

    pm.connectAttr(ctrlMultDiv + '.outputX', rootJnt + '.rotateZ')#joint Connect

    pm.connectAttr(ctls[0] + '.translateZ', ctrlMultDiv + '.input1Y')

    pm.connectAttr(ctrlMultDiv + '.outputY', rootJnt + '.rotateY')#joint Connect
    pm.connectAttr(ctls[0] + '.rotateX', ctrlMultDiv + '.input1Z')

    pm.connectAttr(ctrlMultDiv + '.outputZ', rootJnt + '.rotateX')#joint Connect

    pm.connectAttr(ctls[0] + '.Y_Translate', ctrlMultDiv + '.input2X')
    pm.connectAttr(ctls[0] + '.Z_Translate', ctrlMultDiv + '.input2Y')

    #figure out what X is supposed to do
    pm.connectAttr(ctls[0] + '.X_Translate', ctrlMultDiv + '.input2Z')

def cleanup(*args):

def printInstructions(*args):
    print"Step 1: Select your finger joint: it should have 5 joints"
    print"        -The first finger joint should be a matacarpal torwards the end of the wrist"
    print"        -until updated: it's recomended your finger joints have an X Aim axis"
    print"Step 2: If you are using the full autorigger, follow steps 3 through 4: otherwise skip them"
    print"Step 3: Hit prime game finger to create an offset group for your finger controls"
    print"Step 4: Change the pulldown next to Select Primer to PrimeFinger and hit Prime Game Finger again"

    print"Step 5: Select your aim axis"
    print"Step 6: Select your side"
    print"Step 7: Select your finger type"
    print"Step 8: with the root joint of your finger selected: hit build finger controls"

    print"Step 9: when you are finished, hit Cleanup Heirarchy to place it in the right place in the rig heirarchy(Full autorigger required)"


现在可以在多个关节链上创建手指装备,而不会 运行 陷入命名冲突。