
Install multiple exe with wix toolset

我有三个产品,它们的安装程序都在 .exe 文件中。 假设这三个产品的安装程序是

我想使用 wix 工具集创建一个 msi 文件,它将安装这三个 exe 安装程序。

最好的方法是什么? 我还想使我的 MSI 失败,以防三个 exe 中的任何一个安装失败。 我是新手,所以请帮忙。


我还计划在卸载我的 msi 后卸载这些产品。


工具:有许多工具可用于创建 MSI。一些商业和 WiX - 开源解决方案。 Here is a quick summary of tools. The commercial tools are excellent but expensive, WiX (free, open source) is also excellent but has a learning curve (XML text sources). Remember that a setup consultant can help you make such packages pretty quickly in most cases, but you might need the knowledge in-house. Long review of tools.

内聚与耦合:您可能需要创建 3 个不同的 MSI 来安装这些产品,或者您可以将它们全部放在同样的微星。 Here are some considerations to decide what to do. Remember to not be dogmatic but practical - what will work best for your particular case? You can allow only some of the tools to be installed by exposing features in the MSI you make - allowing only some features to be installed from a single MSI. Feature sample screenshot.

Setup.exe:还有允许 setup.exe bootstrapper / installer launcher 按顺序安装包含在其中的多个 MSI 文件。 WiX 有 , and commercial tools have various options for the same (InstallShield Suite Projects, prerequisites, etc... - info here).

详情:以实际设置为准。您需要确定 what they actually install (bullet point 3) - prerequisites and all (COM, COM+, GAC, Java, VC++ runtime, etc...). That might or might not be available to you via 1) documentation of in-house expertise (developers). 2) You can extract files from the setup to look at (check if they are MSI files already coming out of the setup.exe!), 3) install the setups and inspect the application operation with dependency / profiling tools. 4) The best is to find the old setup scripts used to compile the old setup exes. 5) You can also "capture" old setup EXE files to auto-convert to MSI. This needs serious cleanup at times from experts and it requires expensive tools - generally. See more info here。可能还有其他方法。开发人员将转储文件到位,开始注册它们并安装运行时并继续进行直到事情(出现)工作,以便弄清楚在设置中要做什么(让他们记下一些好的笔记)。

打包团队:请注意,大多数大公司都有整个团队来负责将设置转换为 MSI - 通常称为“应用程序打包”。如果您在一家大公司工作,也许可以尝试找到他们并看看他们是否可以提供帮助(或者只是让他们为您捕获您的设置 - 使用昂贵的工具 - 供您清理 - 清理野餐并不容易)。


  • A long answer on features, setup.exe launchers and how to decompose and bundle setups