'istioctl manifest apply' 和 'istioctl install' 有什么区别?

What is the difference between 'istioctl manifest apply' and 'istioctl install'?

我注意到通过 istioctl manifest apply 设置值会影响其他 Istio 资源。例如,当我设置--set values.tracing.enabled=true时,之前安装在集群中的Kiali消失了。

values.pilot.traceSampling 这样设置值(选项)的正确方法是什么?


Istio 安装已在 istio 1.6 中引入,但是 --set 选项的工作方式与它所取代的 istioctl manifest apply 相同。我怀疑它是为了更好 清晰度和可访问性,因为 istioctl manifest 还有很多其他用途,例如 istioctl manifest generate 允许创建清单 yaml 并将其保存到文件中。

根据 istio documentation:

While istioctl install will automatically detect environment specific settings from your Kubernetes context, manifest generate cannot as it runs offline, which may lead to unexpected results. In particular, you must ensure that you follow these steps if your Kubernetes environment does not support third party service account tokens.


要设置像 values.pilot.tracingSampling 这样的值,我建议使用 istio Operator
