
Intersection of rows of a Dataframe based on the value in a column in the dataframe

我有一个 df,如下所示。我正在尝试根据主机列的值查找行的交集。

host    values 
test    ['A','B','C','D']
test    ['D','E','B','F']
prod    ['1','2','A','D','E']
prod    []
prod    ['2']

预期输出是前一行与下一行的交集 如果主机值相同。 对于上面的 df,输出将是

test=['B','D'] - intersection of row 1 and 2
prod=[] - intersection of row 3 and 4
prod=[] - intersection of row 4 and 5

不执行第 2 行和第 3 行的交集,因为主机列值不匹配。感谢任何帮助。

df.to_dict() 值为

 {'host': {0: 'test', 1: 'test', 2: 'prod', 3: 'prod', 4: 'prod'},
 'values': {0: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'],
  1: ['D', 'E', 'B', 'F'],
  2: ['1', '2', 'A', 'D', 'E'],
  3: [],
  4: ['2']}

不确定预期结果的结构,但您可以使用 shift 为每组主机创建一个列。然后使用 apply ,其中这个新列是 notna 并做 sets.

df['val_shift'] = df.groupby('host')['values'].shift()
df['intersect'] = df[df['val_shift'].notna()]\
                    .apply(lambda x: list(set(x['values'])&set(x['val_shift'])), axis=1)
print (df)
   host           values        val_shift intersect
0  test     [A, B, C, D]              NaN       NaN
1  test     [D, E, B, F]     [A, B, C, D]    [B, D]
2  host  [1, 2, A, D, E]              NaN       NaN
3  host               []  [1, 2, A, D, E]        []
4  host              [2]               []        []