
Does an atomic acquire synchronize with mutex lock release?

我有一个对象将一些设置存储在 unordered_map 中,其中包含字符串键和变体值。由于我的库可能被多个线程使用,并且读取次数很可能大大超过写入次数,所以我考虑过写时复制实现,其中 "get" 操作是无锁的,而 "put" 操作处于关键部分,如示例所示:

class Cfg {
    using M = unordered_map<string,X>;
    shared_ptr<const M> data;
    mutex write_lock;
    X get(string key) {
        shared_ptr<const M> cur_ver = atomic_load_explicit(&data, memory_order_acquire);
        // Extract the value from the immutable *cur_ver
    void put(string key, X value) {
        lock<muted> wlock(write_lock);
        // No need for the atomic load here because of the lock
        shared_ptr<const M> cur_ver = data;
        shared_ptr<const M> new_ver = ;// create new map with value included
        // QUESTION: do I need this store to be atomic? Is it even enough?
        atomic_store_explicit(&data, new_ver, memory_order_release);

只要 acquire/release 同步还影响指向的数据而不仅仅是指针值,我有理由相信该设计有效。但是,我的问题如下:

如果您希望 get 函数始终 return 最新值,则需要它。您可能会在同一时钟时间内进行多次读取和写入。使用原子内存顺序确保写入先于读取的顺序。




The operation is ordered to happen once all accesses to memory in the releasing thread (that have visible side effects on the loading thread) have happened.


The operation is ordered to happen before a consume or acquire operation, serving as a synchronization point for other accesses to memory that may have visible side effects on the loading thread.

will the atomic acquire synchronize with the mutex unlock which is a "release" operation?


所以是的,您需要锁内的原子存储。无法保证 get 将 "see" 来自 put 的最新值,因为您只使用 acquire/release,因此存储和加载操作之间没有全序。如果你想要保证你必须使用 memory_order_seq_cst.

作为旁注 - 此实现很可能不是无锁的,因为在大多数库实现中 atomic_load_explicit for shared_ptr 不是无锁的。问题是您必须加载指针并取消引用该指针以增加引用计数器,在一个原子操作中。这在大多数架构上是不可能的,所以 atomic_load_explicit 通常使用锁来实现。