Firefox (Hunspell) 在拼写检查单词之前如何以及如何清理文本?

How and what does Firefox (Hunspell) do to clean text before spellchecking words?

我正在尝试按照 Firefox 在对我正在构建的 Firefox 扩展的单个单词进行拼写检查之前所做的确切方式来清理文本(我的插件使用 nspell,Hunspell 的 JavaScript 实现,因为 Firefox 不'通过扩展 API).

公开它使用的 Hunspell 实例

我通过搜索 "spellcheck" 查看了 Firefox gecko 克隆的代码库,即在 mozSpellChecker.h 文件和其他相关文件中,但我似乎无法找出它们是如何清理文本的。

逆向工程是一个主要的 PITA,到目前为止我有这个:

// cleans text and strips out unwanted symbols/patterns before we use it
// returns an empty string if content undefined
function cleanText (content, filter = true) {
  if (!content) {
    console.warn(`MultiDict: cannot clean falsy or undefined content: "${content}"`)
    return ''

  // ToDo: first split string by spaces in order to properly ignore urls
  const rxUrls = /^(http|https|ftp|www)/
  const rxSeparators = /[\s\r\n.,:;!?_<>{}()[\]"`´^$°§½¼³%&¬+=*~#|/\]/
  const rxSingleQuotes = /^'+|'+$/g

  // split all content by any character that should not form part of a word
  return content.split(rxSeparators)
    .reduce((acc, string) => {
      // remove any number of single quotes that do not form part of a word i.e. 'y'all' > y'all
      string = string.replace(rxSingleQuotes, '')
      // we never want empty strings, so skip them
      if (string.length < 1) {
        return acc
      // for when we're just cleaning the text of punctuation (i.e. not filtering out emails, etc)
      if (!filter) {
        return acc.concat([string])
      // filter out emails, URLs, numbers, and strings less than 2 characters in length
      if (!string.includes('@') && !rxUrls.test(string) && isNaN(string) && string.length > 1) {
        return acc.concat([string])
      return acc
    }, [])

但我在测试内容时仍然看到内容之间的巨大差异,例如 - 好吧 - 用于创建此问题的文本区域。

需要说明的是:我正在寻找 Firefox 用于清理文本的确切方法、匹配项和规则,并且由于它是开源的,所以它应该在某个地方,但我似乎无法找到它!

我相信您需要 mozInlineSpellWordUtil.cpp 中的函数。

来自the header

 *    This class extracts text from the DOM and builds it into a single string.
 *    The string includes whitespace breaks whereever non-inline elements begin
 *    and end. This string is broken into "real words", following somewhat
 *    complex rules; for example substrings that look like URLs or
 *    email addresses are treated as single words, but otherwise many kinds of
 *    punctuation are treated as word separators. GetNextWord provides a way
 *    to iterate over these "real words".
 *    The basic operation is:
 *    1. Call Init with the weak pointer to the editor that you're using.
 *    2. Call SetPositionAndEnd to to initialize the current position inside the
 *       previously given range and set where you want to stop spellchecking.
 *       We'll stop at the word boundary after that. If SetEnd is not called,
 *       we'll stop at the end of the root element.
 *    3. Call GetNextWord over and over until it returns false.

您可以找到 the complete source here, but it is fairly complex. For example, here is the method used 将部分文本分类为电子邮件地址或 URL,但仅处理这些就超过 50 行。


举个例子,当您决定什么构成单词边界或不构成单词边界时,您必须决定要忽略哪些字符,包括 ASCII 范围之外的字符。 For example, here 您可以看到 MONGOLIAN TODO SOFT HYPHEN 像 ASCII 连字符一样被处理:

// IsIgnorableCharacter
//    These characters are ones that we should ignore in input.

inline bool IsIgnorableCharacter(char ch) {
  return (ch == static_cast<char>(0xAD));  // SOFT HYPHEN

inline bool IsIgnorableCharacter(char16_t ch) {
  return (ch == 0xAD ||   // SOFT HYPHEN
          ch == 0x1806);  // MONGOLIAN TODO SOFT HYPHEN

再次声明,我并不是要劝阻您从事这个项目,而是以一种可以在 HTML 上下文和多语言环境中工作的方式将文本标记为离散词,这是一个重大努力。