如何提取 melt 函数的列名? Python

how to extract column name for melt function? Python


Index(['Fraud (i.e. fabricated or falsified results)',
       'Pressure to publish for career advancement',
       'Insufficient oversight/mentoring by lab principal investigator (e.g. reviewing raw data)',
       'Insufficient peer review of research',
       'Selective reporting of results',
       'Original findings not robust enough because not replicated enough in the lab publishing the work',
       'Original findings obtained with low statistical power/poor statistical analysis',
       'Mistakes or inadequate expertise in reproduction efforts',
       'Raw data not available from original lab',
       'Protocols, computer code or reagent information insufficient or not available from original lab',
       'Methods need 'green fingers' – particular technical expertise that is difficult for others to reproduce',
       'Variability of standard reagents', 'Poor experimental design',
       'Bad luck'],


data_melt = pd.melt(data, id_vars =['respid'], value_vars =['Fraud (i.e. fabricated or falsified results)',
 'Pressure to publish for career advancement',
 'Insufficient oversight/mentoring by lab principal investigator (e.g. reviewing raw data)',
 'Insufficient peer review of research',
 'Selective reporting of results',
 'Original findings not robust enough because not replicated enough in the lab publishing the work',
 'Original findings obtained with low statistical power/poor statistical analysis',
 'Mistakes or inadequate expertise in reproduction efforts',
 'Raw data not available from original lab',
 'Protocols, computer code or reagent information insufficient or not available from original lab',
 "Methods need 'green fingers' – particular technical expertise that is difficult for others to reproduce",
 'Variability of standard reagents',
 'Poor experimental design','Bad luck'],var_name = 'factor', value_name = 'rate')

基本上,我只是将列名粘贴到 value_vars。


例如,编写如下代码。 (我知道错了。)

data_melt = pd.melt(data, id_vars =['respid'], value_vars = data.columns(), ,var_name = 'factor', value_name = 'rate')



# Create a dummy dataframe with columns similar to yours. 
df = pd.DataFrame({"respid": range(5),
                   "Fraud (i.e. fabricated or falsified results)": range(5,10), 
                   'Pressure to publish for career advancement': range(10, 15), 
                   'Insufficient oversight/mentoring by lab principal investigator (e.g. reviewing raw data)': range(15,20), 
                   'Insufficient peer review of research': range(20,25)

pd.melt(df, id_vars =['respid'], value_vars=set(df.columns).difference(["respid"]))


    respid                                           variable  value
0        0       Fraud (i.e. fabricated or falsified results)      5
1        1       Fraud (i.e. fabricated or falsified results)      6
2        2       Fraud (i.e. fabricated or falsified results)      7
3        3       Fraud (i.e. fabricated or falsified results)      8
4        4       Fraud (i.e. fabricated or falsified results)      9
5        0               Insufficient peer review of research     20
6        1               Insufficient peer review of research     21
7        2               Insufficient peer review of research     22
8        3               Insufficient peer review of research     23

如果 data.columns[1:] 是您需要的 values_vars,您只需将其作为参数提供即可:

data_melt = pd.melt(data, id_vars =['respid'], value_vars = data.columns[1:], ,var_name = 'factor', value_name = 'rate')