当我导航到 Angular 中其路径的子项时,如何保持 mat-tab 处于活动状态?

How can I keep a mat-tab active when I navigate to a subchild of its route in Angular?

我正在使用 mat-tab-nav-bar 来显示下面列出的 2 个标签:


<nav mat-tab-nav-bar>
    *ngFor="let routeLink of routeLinks; let i = index"
    (click)="activeLinkIndex = i"
    [routerLinkActiveOptions]="{ exact: true }"
    {{ routeLink.label | translate }}


routeLinks = [
        label: 'Overview',
        link: '/tabs/overview',
        index: 0
        label: 'Products',
        link: '/tabs/products',
        index: 1


const routes: Routes = [
    path: 'tabs',
    component: TabsComponent,
    children: [
        path: 'overview',
        children: [
            path: '',
            loadChildren: () => import('src/pages/overview/overview.module').then(m => m.OverviewModule)
        path: 'products',
        children: [
            path: '',
            loadChildren: () => import('src/pages/products/products.module').then(m => m.ProductsModule)
        path: 'products/:productID',
        children: [
            path: '',
            loadChildren: () => import('src/pages/products/product.module').then(m => m.ProductModule)
    path: '',
    redirectTo: '/tabs/overview',
    pathMatch: 'full'

当我导航到 /products 时,该选项卡处于活动状态。但是当我导航到 /products/:productID 时,该选项卡未激活。由于它在 /products 路线中,我该如何保持它的活动状态?

我还尝试将 /products/:productID 设为 /products 路径的子路径,但它不起作用。在我的 app-routing.module.ts:

    const routes: Routes = [
        path: 'tabs',
        component: TabsComponent,
        children: [
            path: 'overview',
            children: [
                path: '',
                loadChildren: () => import('src/pages/overview/overview.module').then(m => m.OverviewModule)
            path: 'products',
            children: [
                path: '',
                loadChildren: () => import('src/pages/products/products.module').then(m => m.ProductsModule)
                path: ':productID',
                loadChildren: () => import('src/pages/product/product.module').then(m => m.ProductModule)
    path: '',
    redirectTo: '/tabs/overview',
    pathMatch: 'full'

要让子路由也激活您的 routerLinkActive,您需要设置:

[routerLinkActiveOptions]="{ exact: false }"