python 中的日期范围之间的月份开始日期和结束日期

month starting date and ending date between a range of date in python



  start date: 2018-6-15
  end date: 2019-3-20


  ["month starting date","month ending date"],

使用 pandas 的选项:创建一个 date_range from start to end date, extract the month numbers from that as a pandas.Series, shift 向前 1 个元素和向后 1 个元素以检索月份更改 (!=) 的布尔掩码。现在您可以创建一个 DataFrame 来使用或创建一个列表列表。


import pandas as pd

start_date, end_date = '2018-6-15', '2019-3-20'
dtrange = pd.date_range(start=start_date, end=end_date, freq='d')
months = pd.Series(dtrange .month)

starts, ends =,
df = pd.DataFrame({'month_starting_date': dtrange[starts].strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
                   'month_ending_date': dtrange[ends].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')})
# df
#   month_starting_date month_ending_date
# 0          2018-06-15        2018-06-30
# 1          2018-07-01        2018-07-31
# 2          2018-08-01        2018-08-31
# 3          2018-09-01        2018-09-30
# 4          2018-10-01        2018-10-31
# 5          2018-11-01        2018-11-30
# 6          2018-12-01        2018-12-31
# 7          2019-01-01        2019-01-31
# 8          2019-02-01        2019-02-28
# 9          2019-03-01        2019-03-20

# as a list of lists:
l = [df.columns.values.tolist()] + df.values.tolist()
# l
# [['month_starting_date', 'month_ending_date'],
#  ['2018-06-15', '2018-06-30'],
#  ['2018-07-01', '2018-07-31'],
#  ['2018-08-01', '2018-08-31'],
#  ['2018-09-01', '2018-09-30'],
#  ['2018-10-01', '2018-10-31'],
#  ['2018-11-01', '2018-11-30'],
#  ['2018-12-01', '2018-12-31'],
#  ['2019-01-01', '2019-01-31'],
#  ['2019-02-01', '2019-02-28'],
#  ['2019-03-01', '2019-03-20']]

请注意,我在创建 DataFrame 时使用 strftime。如果您希望输出为 dtype 字符串,请执行此操作。如果您想继续使用日期时间对象(时间戳),请不要应用 strftime.

此代码很简单并使用标准 python 包。

import calendar
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

def get_time_range_list(start_date, end_date):
    date_range_list = []
    while 1:
        month_end = start_date.replace(day=calendar.monthrange(start_date.year, start_date.month)[1])
        next_month_start = month_end + timedelta(days=1)
        if next_month_start <= end_date:
            date_range_list.append((start_date, month_end))
            start_date = next_month_start
            date_range_list.append((start_date, end_date))
            return date_range_list