
Extract Patterns from the device log data


For example:
When a person enters a room. He first switches on the light and then he 
switches on the fan or Whenever the temp is less than 20 C, he switches off
the AC.



Is this the right approach?


鉴于应用程序的性质,时间顺序并不重要,如果 FanLight 之前打开并不重要,例如


For example: When a person enters a room. He first switches on the light and then he switches on the fan or Whenever the temp is less than 20 C, he switches off the AC.

原始设备日志可能看起来像这样,T/F 是 True/False:

Person in room | Temperature | Light | Fan | AC
T              | 20          | T     | T   | T
T              | 19          | T     | T   | F
F              | 18          | F     | F   | F 

有了足够的样本,您就可以在上面训练模型,例如朴素贝叶斯对不相关的 features/inputs 不敏感,所以例如如果你看一下我上面的第一个原始 table,它包含所有变量并尝试预测 AC,如果有足够的数据,它就会明白一些输入不是很重要或完全不相关

或者如果您事先知道 LightFanAC 是如何依赖的,例如我们知道 Light 不会依赖于 Temperature,并且 FanAC 不关心 Light 是否打开(它们即使人在睡觉也可以操作,例如)所以你可以像下面这样分解它:

Person in Room | Light 
T              | T
F              | F

Person in Room | Temperature | Fan
T              | 20          | T
F              | 25          | F

Person in room | Temperature | AC
T              | 20          | T
T              | 19          | F
F              | 20          | F
F              | 19          | F