
How to determine a point lies on a polygon?


嗯,我知道 java awt 包,所以我可以使用这个


但问题是根据官方文档 definition of insideness 给出的是

A point is considered to lie inside a Shape if and only if:

  • it lies completely inside theShape boundary or
  • it lies exactly on the Shape boundary and the space immediately adjacent to the point in the increasing X direction is entirely inside the boundary or
  • it lies exactly on a horizontal boundary segment and the space immediately adjacent to the point in the increasing Y direction is inside the boundary



一个简单的解决方法是检查您的观点是否在轮廓上。一种方法是依次获取所有边,将其中一个端点移动到原点并旋转以将另一个点带到 X 轴上,比如 (0, L)。如果 Y = 00 ≤ X ≤ L.



注意:根据您的应用程序和坐标的数字表示方式,"on an edge" 的定义可以有不同的定义。

多边形点的 Hao 算法包括检查点是否位于边界上。 paper includes fairly understand psuedo-code if you want to write it yourself. I have written a javascript implementation here.

在 java 世界中,另一种选择可能是查看 Java Topological Suite. The PointLocator method 可能会满足您的要求。