2 个 Azure VNET 之间的 Site-2-Site

Site-2-Site between 2 Azure VNETs

如果您需要使用 IPsec/IKE 的安全隧道,配置 VNet 到 VNet 连接是轻松连接 VNet 的首选选项。在这种情况下,documentation 表示 VNet 之间的流量通过 Microsoft backbone 基础结构进行路由。

根据文档,站点到站点 连接也是可能的:

If you are working with a complicated network configuration, you may prefer to connect your VNets using the Site-to-Site steps, instead the VNet-to-VNet steps. When you use the Site-to-Site steps, you create and configure the local network gateways manually.

在这种情况下,我们可以控制虚拟本地网络地址 space 的配置,但我们需要公开 public 个 IP。文档没有说明流量的去向(Azure 内部或 public 互联网)

我的问题是,在这种情况下,VNet 之间的 S2S,流量是通过 Azure 基础设施路由的,就像 VNet 到 VNet 的情况一样,还是通过 public 互联网完成通信?


VNet 之间 S2S 中的流量通过 Microsoft backbone 网络路由。参见 this doc.

Microsoft Azure offers the richest portfolio of services and capabilities, allowing customers to quickly and easily build, expand, and meet networking requirements anywhere. Our family of connectivity services span virtual network peering between regions, hybrid, and in-cloud point-to-site and site-to-site architectures as well as global IP transit scenarios.