如何将代码放在 PartialView 的 <head> 或 <body> 元素中以避免代码重复?

How can I place code in the <head> or <body> element from a PartialView so as to avoid code repetition?

我正在为我的所有视图以 <script> 标签的形式和形状从数据库中检索统计信息,其中一些将进入 <head>,其他进入 [=18] =].

其中一些信息由所有视图共享,例如 Google 分析,但其他信息仅特定于某些视图,例如仅在订单确认视图中可用的订单详细信息。


    <script><!-- Google Analytics --></script>


    @RenderSection("headScripts", required: false)

    @RenderSection("bodyScripts", required: false)


@if ((Model.Scripts.Head != null) && (Model.Scripts.Head.Count() != 0))

    @section headScripts
        @foreach (var script in Model.Scripts.Head)


所有视图模型都继承自带有 Scripts 字段的基础 class,并且我上面粘贴的代码在我的所有视图中都被复制,这是一个问题。

我试图将代码移动到 PartialView,从布局中 </body> 正下方的这一行开始:

@{Html.RenderAction("Index", "Scripts");}

在我的 ScriptsController 中:

public ActionResult Index()
    Scripts scripts = new Scripts();
    scripts.Head = whatever comes from the database;
    scripts.Body = whatever comes from the database;    

    return PartialView("/Views/Shared/scripts.cshtml", scripts);

一切正常,模型已正确填充并在脚本部分视图中可用,但不幸的是 @section 无法在部分视图中调用,因此 <script> 标签未显示。

是否有任何变通方法可以将 @if ((Model.Scripts.Head != null) && (Model.Scripts.Head.Count() != 0)) 和其余代码放在所有视图使用的一个公共位置?


    @RenderSection("headScripts", required: false)
    @Html.RenderAction("HeadScripts", "Scripts")

    @RenderSection("bodyScripts", required: false)
    @Html.RenderAction("BodyScripts", "Scripts")


public ActionResult HeadScripts()
    Scripts scripts = new Scripts();
    scripts.Head = whatever comes from the database;    

    return PartialView("/Views/Shared/scripts.cshtml", scripts);

public ActionResult BodyScripts()
    Scripts scripts = new Scripts();
    scripts.Body = whatever comes from the database;    

    return PartialView("/Views/Shared/scripts.cshtml", scripts);


编辑: 同样在 PartialView 中,您将不再需要 @section

@if ((Model.Scripts.Head != null) && (Model.Scripts.Head.Count() != 0))
    @foreach (var script in Model.Scripts.Head)

编辑 2: 使用 BaseControllerViewBag

public class BaseController : Controller
    protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
       ViewBag.HeadStart = whatever comes from the database;
       ViewBag.HeadEnd = whatever comes from the database;
       ViewBag.BodyStart = whatever comes from the database;
       ViewBag.BodyEnd = whatever comes from the database;


public class HomeController : BaseController
    // some methods here


    @if (ViewBag.HeadStart != null)
        @foreach (var script in ViewBag.HeadStart)

    @RenderSection("headScripts", required: false)
    @* do the same for end *@
@* same thing here as well *@