向用户 flutterwave ravepay 收取交易费?

charge transection fee from user flutterwave ravepay?

我正在使用 flutterwave for the first time and I heard that there is an option to charge the transaction fee on the user while processing the payment but I am not sure how to do it. I am searching it a lot on their docs and on other sources but I didn't find anything useful regarding this flutterwave documentation 这是官方文档,我指的是 throw 但我没有发现任何与此相关的内容。


  • 登录您的帐户
  • 点击屏幕左下角的设置(如果您使用的是小屏幕,可能需要向下滚动)
  • 点击账户设置
  • Select 您在 Who should pay the transaction fees? 项上的首选选项。