扩展冻结数据 class 并从基础 class 实例中获取所有数据

Extending frozen dataclass and take all data from base class instance

假设我们有一个 class 来自图书馆,

class Dog:
    name: str
    blabla : int
    # lot of parameters
    # ...
    whatever: InitVar[Sequence[str]]


pluto = dog_factory() # returns a Dog object

我希望这只狗有一个新成员,比方说'bite'。 显然 pluto['bite'] = True 会失败,因为数据 class 被冻结。

所以我的想法是从 Dog 中创建一个 subclass 并从 'pluto' 实例中获取所有数据。

class AngryDog(Dog):
    # what will come here ?

有没有办法避免手动将所有 class Dog 参数放入 init ? 类似于复制构造函数。


class AngryDog(Dog):
    def __init__(self, dog, bite = True):

如果你想使用继承来解决你的问题,你需要从编写一个合适的 AngryDog subclass 开始,你可以用它来构建合理的实例。

下一步将是添加一个 from_dog classmethod,可能是这样的:

from dataclasses import dataclass, asdict

class AngryDog(Dog):
    bite: bool = True

    def from_dog(cls, dog: Dog, **kwargs):
        return cls(**asdict(dog), **kwargs)

但是按照这种模式,您将面临一个特定的边缘情况,您自己已经通过 whatever 参数指出了这一点。重新调用 Dog 构造函数时,任何 InitVar 都将在 asdict 调用中丢失,因为它们不是 class 的正确成员。事实上,dataclass' __post_init__ 中发生的任何事情,也就是 InitVars 所在的位置,都可能导致错误或意外行为。

如果只是一些小事,例如从 cls 调用中过滤或删除已知参数,并且父 class 预计不会更改,您可以尝试在 [=16= 中处理它].但是在概念上没有办法为这种 from_instance 问题提供通用的解决方案。

Composition 从数据完整性的角度来看可以无错误地工作,但考虑到手头的具体问题,它可能是单一的或笨拙的。这样的 dog-extension 不能代替适当的 dog-instance 使用,但我们可以将其转换为正确的形状以备不时之需:

class AngryDogExtension:
    def __init__(self, dog, bite=True):
        self.dog = dog
        self.bite = bite

    def __getattr__(self, item):
        """Will make instances of this class bark like a dog."""
        return getattr(self.dog, item)


# starting with a basic dog instance
>>> dog = Dog(name='pluto', blabla=1, whatever=['a', 'b'])

>>> dog_e = AngryDogExtension(d)
>>> dog_e.bite  # no surprise here, just a regular member
>>> dog_e.name  # this class proxies its dog member, so no need to run `dog_e.dog.name` 

但最终,重点仍然是 isinstance(dog_e, Dog) 将 return False。如果您决心进行该调用 return True,可以使用一些高级技巧来帮助您,并让任何继承您代码的人讨厌您:

class AngryDogDoppelganger(Dog):
    def __init__(self, bite, **kwargs):
        if "__dog" in kwargs:
            object.__setattr__(self, "__dog", kwargs["__dog"])
            object.__setattr__(self, "__dog", Dog(**kwargs))
        object.__setattr__(self, "bite", bite)

    def from_dog(cls, dog, bite=True):
        return cls(bite, __dog=dog)

    def __getattribute__(self, name):
        """Will make instances of this class bark like a dog.

        Can't use __getattr__, since it will see its own instance
        attributes. To have __dog work as a proxy, it needs to be
        checked before basic attribute lookup. 
            return getattr(object.__getattribute__(self, "__dog"), name)
        except AttributeError:
        return object.__getattribute__(self, name)


# starting with a basic dog instance
>>> dog = Dog(name='pluto', blabla=1, whatever=['a', 'b'])

# the doppelganger offers a from_instance method, as well as 
# a constructor that works as expected of a subclass
>>> angry_1 = AngryDogDoppelganger.from_dog(dog)
>>> angry_2 = AngryDogDoppelganger(name='pluto', blabla=1, whatever=['a', 'b'], bite=True)

# instances also bark like at dog, and now even think they're a dog
>>> angry_1.bite  # from subclass
>>> angry_1.name  # looks like inherited from parent class, is actually proxied from __dog
>>> isinstance(angry_1, Dog)  # 

大多数添加数据class的方法,如__repr__,都会被破坏,包括在诸如dataclass.asdict甚至vars之类的东西中插入分身实例- 所以使用风险自负。