如何删除 Amazon Connect 中的联系流?

How to delete a contact flow in Amazon Connect?

在 Amazon Connect 中创建或重命名联系流很容易,但如何删除联系流?文档没有提及任何相关内容,Google 搜索结果为空。

目前,在 Amazon Connect 中,无法删除或禁用联系流。

来自Administrator Guide for Amazon Connect

You can't delete a contact flow. To get obsolete contact flows out of your way, we recommend appending zzTrash_ to their name. This will also make them easy to find should you want to reuse them in the future.

A​​WS CLI 现在支持删除联系流。


--instance-id <value>
--contact-flow-id <value>
[--cli-input-json | --cli-input-yaml]
[--generate-cli-skeleton <value>]

编辑: 或者,您可以使用 DeleteContactFlow API.