如何从 std::tuple 中删除元素?

How to drop element from std::tuple?


struct A{}; struct B{}; struct C{};
std::tuple<A,B,C> tabc;

如何从中删除第二个元素 B 以获得 tuple<A,C>,如

std::tuple<A,C> tac = drop<B>(tabc);


std::tuple<A,C> tac = drop<1>(tabc);


std::tuple 是不可变的,您不能删除或移除。

std::tuple is a fixed-size collection of heterogeneous values

根据您的 C++ 品味,使用 std::get(std::tuple) and std::make_tuple

auto tac = std::make_tuple(std::get<0>(tabc), std::get<2>(tabc));

或者使用 C++14

auto tac = std::make_tuple(std::get<A>(tabc), std::get<C>(tabc));

如果您知道元组中对象 A 和 C 的索引,那么您可以使用带有模板参数 size_t 的函数 std::get。否则,您可以使用带有类型模板参数的函数 std::get


#include <iostream>
#include <tuple>

struct A

struct B

struct C

int main() 
    auto t1 = std::make_tuple( A(), B(), C() );
    auto t2 = std::make_tuple( std::get<A>( t1 ), std::get<C>( t1 ) );
    auto t3 = std::make_tuple( std::get<0>( t1 ), std::get<2>( t1 ) );

    return 0;


Creating a sub-tuple starting from a std::tuple<some_types...>

阅读。通过制作子例程,您可以制作 drop 的通用版本:

 template<size_t index, typename Tuple>
 auto Drop(const Tuple& t)
     return std::tuple_cat(
         subtuple_v2<index+1, std::tuple_size<Tuple>::value>(t));

其中 subtuple_v2<a,b> 是 post 的扩展版本,它从索引 ab 生成子元组。


template<size_t drop, size_t ...ixs>
constexpr auto calc_drop_sequence_dropper(std::index_sequence<ixs...>)
    return std::index_sequence<(ixs >= drop ? ixs + 1 : ixs)...>{};

//Creates a monotonically increasing sequence on the range [0, `count`), except
//that `drop` will not appear.
template<size_t count, size_t drop>
constexpr auto calc_drop_copy_sequence()
    static_assert(count > 0, "You cannot pass an empty sequence.");
    static_assert(drop < count, "The drop index must be less than the count.");
    constexpr auto count_sequence = std::make_index_sequence<count - 1>();
    return calc_drop_sequence_dropper<drop>(count_sequence);

template<typename Tuple, size_t ...ixs>
constexpr auto copy_move_tuple_by_sequence(Tuple &&tpl, std::index_sequence<ixs...>)
    using TplType = std::remove_reference_t<Tuple>;

    return std::tuple<std::tuple_element_t<ixs, TplType>...>(

template<size_t drop, typename Tuple>
constexpr auto drop_tuple_element(Tuple &&tpl)
    using TplType = std::remove_reference_t<Tuple>;

    constexpr size_t tpl_size = std::tuple_size<TplType>::value;

    constexpr auto copy_seq = calc_drop_copy_sequence<tpl_size, drop>();

    return copy_move_tuple_by_sequence(std::forward<Tuple>(tpl), copy_seq);

主要功能是 drop_tuple_element,它执行您假设的 drop 功能的功能。当然,如果您要删除多个元素,您希望一次性删除它们,而不是单独删除。所以你需要修改代码。