正则表达式 [REGEX] - 替换/替换 - 捕获组 1 和 2 中的内容

Regular expression [REGEX] - substitution / replace - Contents in capture group 1 & 2





int mat::CClassA::GetRele_11K11_C_A2_ST() const
    bool aux1 = this->GetXXX__YY();

int namsp::CClassA::GetRele_45K32_C_B3_ST() const
    bool aux1 = this->GetXXX__YY();


int mat::CClassA::GetRele_11K11_C_A2_ST() const
    bool aux1 = this->GetXXX_11K11_YY();

int namsp::CClassA::GetRele_45K32_C_B3_ST() const
    bool aux1 = this->GetXXX_45K32_YY();


  • 选项 1

对于简单替换,我们可以使用任何文本编辑器(例如Visual Studio Code、Sublime Text 3、VS2017 代码编辑器...)。

REGULAR EXPRESSION ~ FIND in any text editor

_(\d\d\w\d\d)_C_(\w\d)_ST\(\) const\n\{\n\tbool aux1 = this->GetXXX__YY\(\);

SUBSTITUTION ~ REPLACE in any text editor

__C__ST\(\) const\n\{\n\tbool aux1 = this->GetXXX__YY\(\);

  • 选项 2

第二个选项是使用以下语言创建具有更复杂结构的脚本:Python、PHP、C#、Java ...

const regex = /_(\d\d\w\d\d)_C_(\w\d)_ST\(\) const\n\{\n\tbool aux1 = this->GetXXX__YY\(\);/gm;
const str = `int mat::CClassA::GetRele_11K11_C_A2_ST() const
    bool aux1 = this->GetXXX__YY();

int namsp::CClassA::GetRele_45K32_C_B3_ST() const
    bool aux1 = this->GetXXX__YY();
const subst = `__C__ST() const\n\{\n\tbool aux1 = this->GetXXX__YY();`;

// The substituted value will be contained in the result variable
const result = str.replace(regex, subst);

console.log('Substitution result: ', result);

提示: 您可以使用一些非常有用的工具,例如 https://regex101.com/r/aAvhEF/1还可以为您可能需要的每种编程语言自动生成代码结构。在这里,我在 JavaScript 中发布了一个示例。在此网页中,您还可以了解如何使用 "Quick Reference" 框生成更复杂的 REGEX 表达式。希望对您有所帮助。