为什么使用 Fsutil 可以让您的 windows 计算机 运行 更快?

Why does using Fsutil make your windows computer run faster?

我偶然发现 this video 据说可以让您的计算机 运行 更快:

Fsutil behaviour set memoryusage 2


这完全取决于您通常如何使用计算机及其规格。来自 Windows docs:

Configures the internal cache levels of NTFS paged-pool memory and NTFS nonpaged-pool memory. Set to 1 or 2. When set to 1 (the default), NTFS uses the default amount of paged-pool memory. When set to 2, NTFS increases the size of its lookaside lists and memory thresholds. (A lookaside list is a pool of fixed-size memory buffers that the kernel and device drivers create as private memory caches for file system operations, such as reading a file.)


Increasing the physical memory doesn't always increase the amount of paged pool memory available to NTFS. Setting memoryusage to 2 raises the limit of paged pool memory. This might improve performance if your system is opening and closing many files in the same file set and is not already using large amounts of system memory for other apps or for cache memory. If your computer is already using large amounts of system memory for other apps or for cache memory, increasing the limit of NTFS paged and non-paged pool memory reduces the available pool memory for other processes. This might reduce overall system performance. This parameter updates the HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem\NtfsMemoryUsage registry key.

所以基本上如果您的 ram 使用率不是很高,这可能是值得的,尤其是在从您的硬盘驱动器加载和重新加载资源时。游戏是一个显着的优势领域,GPU 通常会完成大部分工作,让 RAM 稍微空闲,并且需要不断加载相同的东西。当然,还有一个GPU缓存,所以收益增加并不简单。

底线 - 这为文件系统提供了固定大小的总共享池中更多的页面 space,因此不是 "free"。