为什么适当的类型 Any 和 Nothing 在类型不同时适合类型构造函数形状 F[_] ?

Why do proper types Any and Nothing fit type constructor shape F[_] when they are different kinds?

考虑以下采用 * -> * 种类

def g[F[_]] = ???


g[Any]       // ok
g[Nothing]   // ok


scala> :kind -v Any
Any's kind is A
This is a proper type.

scala> :kind -v Nothing
Nothing's kind is A
This is a proper type.

所以 AnyNothing 应该是错误的形状?

引用自 Scala 规范:

For every type constructor </code> (with any number of type parameters), <code>scala.Nothing <: <: scala.Any.


Say the type parameters have lower bounds 1,…, and upper bounds 1,…,. The parameterized type is well-formed if each actual type parameter conforms to its bounds, i.e. <:<: where </code> is the substitution <code>[1:=1,…,:=].


A polymorphic method type is denoted internally as [tps] where [tps] is a type parameter section [1 >: 1 <: 1,…, >: <: ] for some ≥0 and </code> is a (value or method) type. This type represents named methods that take type arguments <code>1,…, which conform to the lower bounds 1,…, and the upper bounds 1,…, and that yield results of type </code>.</p> </blockquote> <p><a href="https://scala-lang.org/files/archive/spec/2.13/03-types.html#polymorphic-method-types" rel="nofollow noreferrer">https://scala-lang.org/files/archive/spec/2.13/03-types.html#polymorphic-method-types</a></p> <p>所以由于<code>AnyNothing符合F[_]的上下界(即AnyNothing对应),g[Any]g[Nothing] 是合法的。