maven, ear package 将依赖项放在 ear 和 web 模块下

maven, ear package put dependencies either under ear and web module


耳朵 ejb 网页

我正在使用 maven 来管理包;每个模块都有自己的 pom.xml



        <!-- Depend on the EJB module and WAR so that we can package them -->

        <!--EAR plugin: format of output file -->
                <!-- Tell Maven we are using Jakarta EE -->
                <!-- Use Jakarta EE ear libraries as needed. Jakarta EE ear libraries
                    are in easy way to package any libraries needed in the ear, and automatically
                    have any modules (EJB-JARs and WARs) use them -->
                <!-- Default context root of the web app is /customers-web.
                    If a custom context root is needed, uncomment the following snippet to
                    register our War as a web module and set the contextRoot property -->
        <!-- The WildFly plug-in deploys your ear to a local JBoss EAP container. 
            Due to Maven's lack of intelligence with EARs we need to configure
            the WildFly Maven plug-in to skip deployment for all modules. We then enable
            it specifically in the ear module. -->

.. 这是根

上的 pom.xml

当我编译 ear 时,我可以看到一些-lib.jar 在 {root}/lib 和 myproject-web/WEB-INF/lib 上。

如何将所有依赖项仅放在 {root}/lib

你可以覆盖 war 模块中的依赖范围,比如:


也许使用 SkinnyWars 可以解决您的问题:


来自 Apache Maven War Plugin
