使用 FParsec 跳过空格和注释

Skip whitespace and comments with FParsec



  1. 行评论:;; skip rest of line
  2. 屏蔽评论:(; skip anything between ;)


(type (; block comment ;) (func))
(import "env" "g" (global $g (mut i32)))
(func (type 0) ;; line comment
     i32.const 100
     global.set $g)
(export "f" (func 0))


let comment : Parser<unit, Ctx> = 
    let lineComment  = skipString ";;" >>. skipRestOfLine true
    let blockComment = between (skipString "(;") (skipString ";)") (skipMany anyChar)
    spaces >>. lineComment <|> blockComment

let wsOrComment = attempt comment <|> spaces

我希望像空格一样完全忽略评论。任何想法如何做到这一点? (这是我使用 FParsec 的第一个项目)

根据 Koenig Lear 的建议,我通过解析器在 运行 文本之前用正则表达式过滤了所有评论。这可能不是最好的选择,但它仅用两行代码就可以可靠地完成工作。

let removeComments s = 
    let regex = Regex(@"\(;.*;\)|;;.*")
    regex.Replace(s, String.Empty)

let input = """
(type (; block comment ;) (func))
(import "env" "g" (global $g (mut i32)))
(func (type 0) ;; line comment
     i32.const 100
     global.set $g)
(export "f" (func 0))

let filtered = removeComments input

// parse "filtered" with FParsec