将自定义 jmx 指标添加到 google 云监控 collectd 配置

Adding custom jmx metrics to google cloud monitoring collectd configuration

我已经按照描述添加了 JVM 监控插件 here

一切都很好而且我可以,但现在我想添加更多 JMX 指标。例如MemoryPool 特定计数器 所以我将此配置添加到 /opt/stackdriver/collectd/etc/collectd.d/jvm-sun-hotspot.conf

<MBean "jvm_localhost_MemoryPool">
    ObjectName "java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=*"
    InstanceFrom "name"
        Type "gauge"
        InstancePrefix "memorypool-usage_used"
        Table false
        Attribute "Usage.used"

Collect "jvm_localhost_MemoryPool"

Connection 部分

它似乎是有效的 collectd 配置,但是当它被发送到 Stackdriver/Google 云监控时它被拒绝了。

012    {#012      "index": 261,#012      "valueErrors": [#012        {#012          "error": {#012            "code": 3,#012            "message": "Unsupported
 collectd id: plugin: \"jvm\" type: \"gauge\" type_instance: \"memorypool-usagecommitted\""#012          }#012        }#012      ]#012    },#012    {#012
"index": 262,#012      "valueErrors": [#012        {#012          "error": {#012            "code": 3,#012            "message": "Unsupported collectd id: plug
in: \"jvm\" type: \"gauge\" type_instance: \"memorypool-usageinit\""#012          }#012        }#012      ]#012    },#012    {#012      "index": 263,#012
"valueErrors": [#012        {#012          "error": {#012            "code": 3,#012            "message": "Unsupported collectd id: plugin: \"jvm\" type: \"gau
ge\" type_instance: \"memorypool-usagemax\""#012          }#012        }#012      ]#012    },#012    {#012      "index": 264,#012      "valueErrors": [#012
    {#012          "error": {#012            "code": 3,#012            "message": "Unsupported

据我了解,现在需要将其添加为自定义指标,但 this document 建议它会自动创建。 事实上,当我查看 builtin jvm metrics 的列表时,我看不到它们如何映射到 collectd 配置中的现有列表。

例如os-open_fd_count 是如何映射到 os/open_files 的?

查看 Google 的 custom collectd implementation 发送的实际 api 请求会很有帮助,但我看不到增加日志记录的方法。

我从 可以看出,我想查看的可能是自定义指标,但我该如何在 collectd 配置中执行此操作?


InstancePrefix "custom.googleapis.com/memorypool-usage"



故障排除文档 [1] 可能有助于确定需要转换的点,以及确保您的转换按预期运行。

[1] https://cloud.google.com/monitoring/agent/custom-metrics-agent#troubleshooting

要获得此日志记录,我需要添加 stackdriver_metric_type 元数据。


<Chain "GenericJMX_jvm">
    <Rule "rewrite_custom_jmx">
        <Match regex>
            Plugin "^GenericJMX$"
            PluginInstance "^jvm.*$"
            TypeInstance "^memorypool-usage_used$"
        <Target "set">
            MetaData "stackdriver_metric_type" "custom.googleapis.com/jvm/memorypool/usage_used"
            MetaData "label:pool" "%{plugin_instance}"
        <Target "replace">
            MetaData "label:pool" "jvm" ""
    <Rule "rewrite_genericjmx_to_jvm">
        <Match regex>
            Plugin "^GenericJMX$"
            PluginInstance "^jvm.*$"
        <Target "replace">
            PluginInstance "jvm" ""
        <Target "set">
            Plugin "jvm"
        Target "return"

插件实例是池名称(例如 G1 Eden Space),这就是我将其复制到 'pool' 标签中的原因。

这确实在 Stackdriver 中自动创建了指标,但我还在 projects.metricDescriptors.create 方法中使用了以下主体来添加描述和单位。

  "name": "projects/yourprojecthere/metricDescriptors/custom.googleapis.com/jvm/memorypool/usage_used",
  "labels": [
      "key": "pool",
      "description": "Name of the JVM memory pool."
  "metricKind": "GAUGE",
  "valueType": "DOUBLE",
  "unit": "By",
  "description": "Current size in bytes of the memory pool.",
  "type": "custom.googleapis.com/jvm/memorypool/usage_used",
  "monitoredResourceTypes": [

Metric Explorer 中的结果图如下所示