Apache mod_rewrite 到 lighttpd

Apache mod_rewrite to lighttpd

我正在尝试将一个 PHP 项目从 apache 转移到 lighttpd。我在 apache 中重写了以下内容:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule !\.(js|ico|gif|jpg|jpeg|png|css|ttf)$ /index.php?_url=/ [QSA,L]

我无法将其转换为 lighttpd mod_rewrite。


    url.rewrite-if-not-file = (
        # try with two separate matches - when the request ends with file.ext
        "\.(?!(js|ico|gif|jpg|jpeg|png|css|ttf))[\?]{0,1}(.*)$" => "/index.php?_url=/",
        # if the request ends with /
        "/[\?]{0,1}$" => "/index.php?_url=/"

#        ".+/(.*)?(.*)" => "/index.php?_url=/",

#         "((?!\.(js|ico|gif|jpg|jpeg|png|css|ttf)).*)" => "/index.php?_url=/"

#        "^([^\?(js|ico|gif|jpg|jpeg|png|css|ttf)]+)[\?]{0,1}(.*)$" => "/index.php?_url=&"

与上一个版本的唯一区别是 PHP 的 $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']。这是: [SCRIPT_NAME] => /v1/en/entity/method/ # 使用 apache [SCRIPT_NAME] => /index.php # 使用 lighttpd

请求本身是: https://api.local/v1/en/entity/method/

首先你必须把这段代码放在 /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/10-rewrite.conf 之后
server.modules += ("mod_rewrite")
或在相应虚拟主机的 /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/90-vhosts.conf 中(分别在 conf-available 中并将符号链接指向 conf-enabled)

您不能将它放在 .htaccess 中

但是好吧,我们承认这是域 www.example.com

http['HOST'] == "www.example.com"{
    // rewrite the url if there is no such file and
    url.rewrite-if-not-file = (
        "^(.*)!\.(js|ico|gif|jpg|jpeg|png|css|ttf)$" => "/index.php?_url=/"

这应该与 Apache 中的工作方式相同。

$HTTP["host"] == "www.example.com" {
    # rewrite the url if there is no such file and not a listed extension
    url.rewrite-if-not-file = (
        "\.(?:js|ico|gif|jpg|jpeg|png|css|ttf)$" => "",
        ".*" => "/index.php?_url=[=10=]"
