通过 google sheet api 和 python 折叠 table in google sheet 中的所有总计
Collapse all totals in a pivot table in google sheet by google sheet api and python
我通过 python 中的 api 创建了 google sheet 支点 table。 但是,我无法用总计折叠行。我只是找不到解决方案来做到这一点。我正在使用 batchUpdate 函数创建 pivottable.
google sheets example view
这是我创建的用于执行枢轴的代码 table。
def create_pivot_table(self):
spreadsheet = self.google_drive.SHEETS.spreadsheets()
#result = sheet.values().get(spreadsheetId=self.file_id, range='Sheet1!B1:B10').execute()
requests = []
# Change the spreadsheet's title.
# [START sheets_pivot_tables]
'updateCells': {
'rows': {
'values': [
'pivotTable': {
'source': {
'sheetId': self._get_sheet_id_by_name('Sheet1'),
'startRowIndex': 0,
'startColumnIndex': 0,
'rows': [
'sourceColumnOffset': 8,
'showTotals': True,
'sortOrder': 'ASCENDING'
'sourceColumnOffset': 1,
'sortOrder': 'ASCENDING',
'showTotals': True,
'values': [
'summarizeFunction': 'SUM',
'sourceColumnOffset': 16
'summarizeFunction': 'SUM',
'sourceColumnOffset': 17
'summarizeFunction': 'SUM',
'sourceColumnOffset': 18
'valueLayout': 'HORIZONTAL'
'start': {
'sheetId': self._get_sheet_id_by_name('PivotTable'),
'rowIndex': 0,
'columnIndex': 0
'fields': 'pivotTable'
body = {
'requests': requests
response = spreadsheet.batchUpdate(spreadsheetId=self.file_id, body=body).execute()
return response
检查 PivotGroupValueMetadata
collapsed boolean
True if the data corresponding to the value is collapsed.
Collapses the column for each Region, with the exception of "West", hiding the Salesperson group for that region. This is done by setting collapsed to true in the valueMetadata for that column in the Region column group.