为什么 Application Insights 会在健康检查成功时报告应用服务的健康状况为零?

Why would Application Insights report zero health on an app service when the health check is successful?

我有一个 Application Insights 实例,概览页面上的 "Availability" 图表显示可用性为零。但是,我有两个应用程序服务,都配置了运行状况检查 URL,并且都明显被 ping 并返回 204s:


默认情况下,可用性测试检​​查状态代码 200,并且仅检查状态代码。您可以通过在 AppService 上转到“可用性”来修改它。


HTTP response

The returned status code that is counted as a success. 200 is the code that indicates that a normal web page has been returned.