Openshift 3 安装问题

Openshift 3 installation issue

我正在我的 Centos 7.8 VMS 上安装 Openshift 3.11 版本集群。配置是有三个Centos VM(一个主节点+两个工作节点)。我还配置了我的库存文件,'prerequisites.yml' 剧本也 运行 成功。但是当我 运行 剧本 'deploy_cluster.yml' 时,它会产生如下错误 ----

TASK [openshift_version : fail] ***********************************************************************************************************
fatal: [kubernetus]: FAILED! => {"msg": "The conditional check 'not rpm_results.results.package_found' failed. The error was: error while e
valuating conditional (not rpm_results.results.package_found): 'dict object' has no attribute 'results'\n\nThe error appears to be in '/usr
/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/roles/openshift_version/tasks/check_available_rpms.yml': line 8, column 3, but may\nbe elsewhere in the fi
le depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n- fail:\n  ^ here\n"}

Failure summary:

  1. Hosts:    kubernetus
     Play:     Determine openshift_version to configure on first master
     Task:     openshift_version : fail
     Message:  The conditional check 'not rpm_results.results.package_found' failed. The error was: error while evaluating conditional (no$ rpm_results.results.package_found): 'dict object' has no attribute 'results'

The error appears to be in '/usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/roles/openshift_version/tasks/check_available_rpms.yml': li
ne 8, column 3, but may
               be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.

The offending line appears to be:

                 - fail:
                 ^ here

For this, I even checked the corresponding file mentioned above (/usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/roles/openshift_version/tasks/check_available_rpms.yml) but could not find anything. Its contents are as follows ---

- name: Get available RPM version
    name: "{{ openshift_service_type }}{% if openshift_version is defined %}-{{ openshift_version }}*{% elif openshift_release is defined %}-{{ openshift_release }}*{% endif %}"
    ignore_excluders: true
  register: rpm_results

- fail:
    msg: "Package '{{ rpm_results.results.package_name }}' not found"
  when: not rpm_results.results.package_found


The output of - debug: var=rpm_results is as follows ----

TASK [openshift_version : debug] 

    ok: [kubernetus] => {
        "rpm_results": {
            "ansible_module_results": {
                "cmd": "/usr/bin/repoquery --plugins --quiet --pkgnarrow=repos --queryformat=%{version}|%{release}|%{arch}|%{repo}|%{version}-%
    {release} --config=/tmp/tmpWCj7Cy origin-3.11.0*",
                "package_found": true,
                "package_name": "origin-3.11.0*",
                "returncode": 0,
                "versions": {
                    "available_versions": [
                    "available_versions_full": [
                    "latest": "3.11.0",
                    "latest_full": "3.11.0-1.el7.git.0.62803d0"
            "changed": false,
            "check_mode": false,
            "failed": false,
            "state": "list"

The output of yum search openshift is as follows ----

    [root@kubernetus playbooks]# yum search openshift
    Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks, product-id, search-disabled-repos, subscription-manager

    This system is not registered with an entitlement server. You can use subscription-manager to register.

    Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
     * base:
     * extras:
     * remi-php73:
     * remi-safe:
     * updates:
    ========================================================= N/S matched: openshift ==========================================================
    atomic-openshift-utils.noarch : Atomic OpenShift Utilities
    centos-release-openshift-origin13.noarch : Yum configuration for OpenShift Origin 1.3 packages
    centos-release-openshift-origin14.noarch : Yum configuration for OpenShift Origin 1.4 packages
    centos-release-openshift-origin15.noarch : Yum configuration for OpenShift Origin 1.5 packages
    centos-release-openshift-origin310.noarch : Yum configuration for OpenShift Origin 3.10 packages
    centos-release-openshift-origin311.noarch : Yum configuration for OpenShift Origin 3.11 packages
    centos-release-openshift-origin36.noarch : Yum configuration for OpenShift Origin 3.6 packages
    centos-release-openshift-origin37.noarch : Yum configuration for OpenShift Origin 3.7 packages
    centos-release-openshift-origin39.noarch : Yum configuration for OpenShift Origin 3.9 packages
    openshift-ansible.noarch : Openshift and Atomic Enterprise Ansible
    openshift-ansible-callback-plugins.noarch : Openshift and Atomic Enterprise Ansible callback plugins
    openshift-ansible-docs.noarch : Openshift and Atomic Enterprise Ansible documents
    openshift-ansible-filter-plugins.noarch : Openshift and Atomic Enterprise Ansible filter plugins
    openshift-ansible-lookup-plugins.noarch : Openshift and Atomic Enterprise Ansible lookup plugins
    openshift-ansible-playbooks.noarch : Openshift and Atomic Enterprise Ansible Playbooks
    openshift-ansible-roles.noarch : Openshift and Atomic Enterprise Ansible roles
    openshift-ansible-test.noarch : Openshift and Atomic Enterprise Ansible Test Playbooks
    openshift-excluder.noarch : Exclude openshift packages from updates
    centos-release-openshift-origin.noarch : Common release file to establish shared metadata for CentOS PaaS SIG
    origin-excluder.noarch : Exclude openshift packages from updates

      Name and summary matches only, use "search all" for everything.

Output of 'yum search origin-3.11.0*' is as follows ----

[root@kubernetus playbooks]# yum search origin-3.11.0*
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks, product-id, search-disabled-repos, subscription-manager

This system is not registered with an entitlement server. You can use subscription-manager to register.

Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base:
 * extras:
 * remi-php73:
 * remi-safe:
 * updates:
Warning: No matches found for: origin-3.11.0*
No matches found


所以似乎 repoquery 正在寻找“origin-3.11.0*”。 运行 yum search origin-3.11.0* 的输出是什么?我猜这不会找到任何东西,请检查是否附加了正确的 YUM 存储库。

您似乎在混合使用 OpenShift 版本,您附加了 3.9 存储库,但正在尝试安装 3.11。您需要附加 3.11 存储库。推荐参考官方文档安装: