包含 GeoPoint 的位置列表 - (geo_spatial_filter_fields, geo_distance)

A list of locations that contain a GeoPoint - (geo_spatial_filter_fields, geo_distance)

我正在使用 elasticsearch-dsl-drf,我刚刚将文档中的一个 location 字段转换为具有以下定义的 NestedField

location = fields.NestedField(properties={"point": fields.GeoPointField()})

然后在我看来我有(我添加了 path 并更改了 field 值以尝试使其工作):

    geo_spatial_filter_fields = {
        'location': {
            'path': 'location',
            'field': 'point',
            'lookups': [constants.LOOKUP_FILTER_GEO_DISTANCE]

    geo_spatial_ordering_fields = {'location': None}



目前正在试验(更改了 elasticsearch dsl drf 以使用它):



感谢您抽出时间, 谢谢


def attach_nested_path_to_queryset(queryset: Search):
    Attach nested path to the query and sort keys in the queryset
    and update the queryset using `update_from_dict`

    **The updating is done by reference**

    :param queryset: the original queryset
    :type queryset: Search

    queryset_dict = queryset.to_dict()


    # update queryset

def attach_nested_path_to_query(queryset_dict: dict):
    Looks for geo_distance in the queryset dict, if it's at the top level
    we modify the top level query, meaning that there's only one query, otherwise
    we loop over the list of `must` queries and try to find `geo_distance`

    **The updating is done by reference**

    :param queryset_dict: the queryset in dict format
    :type queryset_dict: dict

    query = queryset_dict["query"]

    if "geo_distance" in query:
        queryset_dict["query"] = {"nested": {"path": "location", "query": query}}
    elif "bool" in query and "must" in query["bool"]:
        for index, must_query in enumerate(query["bool"]["must"]):
            if "geo_distance" in must_query:
                queryset_dict["query"]["bool"]["must"][index] = {"nested": {"path": "location", "query": must_query}}


def attach_nested_path_to_sort(queryset_dict: dict):
    This function loops over the `sort` queries, and
    looks for `_geo_distance` in order to add the `nested_path` key/value

    **The updating is done by reference**

    :param queryset_dict: the queryset in dict format
    :type queryset_dict: dict

    sort = queryset_dict["sort"]

    if isinstance(sort, list):
        for index, sorting in enumerate(sort):
            if "_geo_distance" in sorting:
                queryset_dict["sort"][index]["_geo_distance"]["nested_path"] = "location"

在地理距离排序中包括 "nested_path": "location"

            "nested_path": "location",