我在 git 中找到关于提交的数据,在 2005 年(发布年份)之前如何解释呢?

I found data on commits in the git, before 2005 (the year of its release) how to explain it?

据我从 wikipedia 了解到,git 自 2005 年以来一直存在, 我是怎么找到 records that someone has made before 的? (如图所示)

this commit on github

gvanrossum committed on 10 Aug 1990 
commit 7f777ed95a19224294949e1b4ce56bbffcb1fe9f

cpython 源代码一直在使用 centralized version control system (VCS; first CVS, now Subversion) before it migrated to a distributed one. After PyCon 2009 it was decided to migrate to Mercurial. The commit history was not lost

2015 年,it was migrated again 从 Mercurial (hg.python.org) 到 GitHub。

不一定必须在另一个 VCS 上完成....有一些修订是 any-vcs 之前....并且可以通过使用环境变量来完成。一个用于提交时间,另一个用于作者时间......然后你可以回到很远的时间。
