无法从函数内更新 Meteor 中的 Mongo 集合

Can't update Mongo Collection in Meteor from within a function

我在应用程序的 imports/api 中设置了一个 webhook。这是一个 Stripe webhook,我正在尝试更新 Campaign 集合。我正在使用 Meteor 方法进行此调用,但没有任何反应。如果我将调用添加回它,我不会收到任何错误或结果。但是,如果我采用相同的 Meteor 方法并将其包含在服务器上的 main.js 中的 Meteor 启动函数中,它 运行 没问题。我也试过只使用集合的更新功能,但它也不起作用。 Main.js 包含这个文件,我不明白为什么这不起作用也不会出现错误。这行最重要的部分是底部的 Paid == true,这就是逻辑所在。控制台会吐出信息,但方法不会运行。可能是什么问题?

import bodyParser from 'body-parser';
import { Picker } from 'meteor/meteorhacks:picker';
import {Campaign} from '../api/campaigns';

let campaignID;
let chargeAmount;
let chargeID;
let hasPaid = false;

//This will run outside the updateCampaign function fine and works as expected
Campaign.update({_id: "BAxBhk4ae3AdHxxEQ"}, {$set: {chargeTrx: "chargeID", amount: "555"}});

function updateCampaign(){

  //these consoles will print and prove the function runs
  console.log('campaignID type:' +  campaignID)
  console.log('chargeIDtype:' +  chargeID)
  console.log('amount type:' +  chargeAmount)

  //doesn't work even with strings prefilled
  Campaign.update({_id: "BAxBhk4ae3AdHxxEQ"}, {$set: {chargeTrx: "chargeID", amount: "333"}});

  //This didn't run either but would run outside of this function
  Meteor.call("updateCampaignForPayment", campaignID, chargeAmount, chargeID, (err, result) => {
    if (err){


// Middleware declaration
  limit: '10MB',
  verify: function(req,res,buf) {
    var url = req.originalUrl;
    if (url.startsWith('/webhook')) {
      req.rawBody = buf.toString();
      let newResponse = req.rawBody;   

      //stripe returns to 2 objects, this makes it two arrays to parse it
      let parsedResponse = JSON.parse('[' + newResponse.replace(/}{/g, '},{') + ']');
      parsedResponse = parsedResponse[0].data.object;

      //break down two further objects
      if (parsedResponse.object == "charge"){
        chargeID = parsedResponse.id;
        hasPaid = parsedResponse.paid;
        chargeAmount = parsedResponse.amount / 100;
      else if (parsedResponse.object == "checkout.session"){
        let campaignIDArray = parsedResponse.success_url.split('/');
        campaignID = campaignIDArray[5];
      // If user has paid, update campaign
      if (hasPaid == true && chargeID && campaignID && chargeAmount){
        console.log(hasPaid, chargeID, campaignID, chargeAmount)

在当前 Meteor 环境之外(例如在回调函数或中间件处理程序中)对需要 Meteor 环境的构造的任何调用都将使用 Meteor 环境进行绑定。

在您的情况下,这似乎是 updateCampaign,因为它会调用 Meteor-Mongo 集合:

const updateCampaign = Meteor.bindEnvironment(function () {
  const updated = Campaign.update({_id: "BAxBhk4ae3AdHxxEQ"}, {$set: {chargeTrx: "chargeID", amount: "333"}});

  const callResult = Meteor.call("updateCampaignForPayment", campaignID, chargeAmount, chargeID);

另请注意,此函数中的集合在异步模式下 运行,并且只有在 Meteor 环境代码中,您才能以同步方式编写代码并让它处理异步。您始终可以使用 async/await:

"wait" 获得结果
function async updateCampaign(){
  const updated = await Campaign.update({_id: "BAxBhk4ae3AdHxxEQ"}, {$set: {chargeTrx: "chargeID", amount: "333"}});

  //This didn't run either but would run outside of this function
  const callResult = await Meteor.call("updateCampaignForPayment", campaignID, chargeAmount, chargeID);


function updateCampaign(){
  const updated = Promise.await(Campaign.update({_id: "BAxBhk4ae3AdHxxEQ"}, {$set: {chargeTrx: "chargeID", amount: "333"}}))

  //This didn't run either but would run outside of this function
  const callResult = Promise.await(Meteor.call("updateCampaignForPayment", campaignID, chargeAmount, chargeID))




