Pupil Labs 眼动追踪摄像头设置,我的视频输入是否倒置?

Pupil Labs Eye Tracking camera set up, is my video feed inverted?

我刚拿到 Pupil Labs 眼动追踪耳机(只有眼动追踪摄像头,没有世界观摄像头,普通耳机不是 VR)。我正在使用 pupil labs 捕捉软件来获取我眼睛的视频并跟踪我的瞳孔以在 Unity 应用程序中使用。我注意到我的右眼视频输入默认情况下是倒置的(颠倒的),我想问一下这是不是故意的,或者我的耳机是否有某种缺陷或设置不正确。我问是因为我看到有人设置它的视频,他们的视频都是竖直的,方向正确。感谢您的输入!

根据 Pupil Labs 的 release documentation:

The eye 0 (right eye) camera sensor is physically flipped, which results in an upside-down eye image for the right eye. This is by design and does not negatively affect pupil detection or gaze estimation. However, the upside-down eye 0 image repeatedly led users to believe that something was broken or incorrect with Pupil Core headsets. We flipped the eye 0 image now by default to better match user expectations with a right-side-up eye image.
