Clips 中的触发规则无法正常工作

Firing rule in Clips not working properly

我是新的ti剪辑,正在尝试编写触发规则集的规则。 规则的条件是


(deftemplate Product
   (slot productNumber)
   (slot quantity))

(defrule sum_of_quantity
   (exists (Product (productNumber 1 | 2 | 3)(quantity ?q&:(> ?q 1))))
   (bind ?totalQuantity 0)
   (do-for-all-facts ((?p Product))
                     (or (eq ?p:productNumber 1)
                         (eq ?p:productNumber 2)
                         (eq ?p:productNumber 3))
      (bind ?totalQuantity (+ ?totalQuantity ?p:quantity)))
   (if (>= ?totalQuantity 6) then
      (printout t "TotalQuantity is " ?totalQuantity "and discoun is 10" crlf)))

(deffacts input1 
   (Product (productNumber 2)(quantity 3))
   (Product (productNumber 3)(quantity 3)))

输入的事实如图所示,即使没有强制产品,计算结果也显示为 10。


         CLIPS (6.31 6/12/19)
(deftemplate Product
   (slot productNumber)
   (slot quantity))
(defrule sum_of_quantity
   (exists (Product (productNumber 1) (quantity ?q&:(> ?q 1))))
   (bind ?totalQuantity 0)
   (do-for-all-facts ((?p Product))
                     (or (eq ?p:productNumber 1)
                         (eq ?p:productNumber 2)
                         (eq ?p:productNumber 3))
      (bind ?totalQuantity (+ ?totalQuantity ?p:quantity)))
   (if (>= ?totalQuantity 6) then
      (printout t "TotalQuantity is " ?totalQuantity " and discount is 10" crlf)))
CLIPS> (assert (Product (productNumber 1) (quantity 6)))
CLIPS> (run)
TotalQuantity is 6 and discount is 10
CLIPS> (reset)
CLIPS> (assert (Product (productNumber 1) (quantity 3)))
CLIPS> (assert (Product (productNumber 2) (quantity 2)))
CLIPS> (assert (Product (productNumber 3) (quantity 4)))
CLIPS> (run)
TotalQuantity is 9 and discount is 10
CLIPS> (reset)
CLIPS> (assert (Product (productNumber 2) (quantity 2)))
CLIPS> (assert (Product (productNumber 3) (quantity 4)))
CLIPS> (run)