CCA 仅显示前 4 个变量

CCA only showing the first 4 variables

R 的新手,但有人能帮我理解为什么我的 CCA 只显示前 4 个环境变量吗??


我在 Animal_matrix 中进行了物种排序,然后我想要一个图中的所有环境变量。我也试过:Animal_matrix ~ T_height., data = VegData1

当我有 20 个站点(表示为行?- 如果我错了请纠正我)时,它起作用了,然后我将数据压缩到 5 个 "sites"。

cca(formula = Animal_matrix ~ T_Height + T_Stem + T_DBH + G_Alive + G_Dead + ST_Alive + ST_Dead + L_Alive + L_Dead + T_Alive +      T_Dead + SB_Alive + SB_Dead, data = VegData1) 

Partitioning of scaled Chi-square:
              Inertia Proportion
Total          0.5967          1
Constrained    0.5967          1
Unconstrained  0.0000          0

Eigenvalues, and their contribution to the scaled Chi-square 

Importance of components:
                        CCA1   CCA2    CCA3    CCA4
Eigenvalue            0.3468 0.1419 0.06997 0.03802
Proportion Explained  0.5813 0.2378 0.11726 0.06371
Cumulative Proportion 0.5813 0.8190 0.93629 1.00000

Accumulated constrained eigenvalues
Importance of components:
                        CCA1   CCA2    CCA3    CCA4
Eigenvalue            0.3468 0.1419 0.06997 0.03802
Proportion Explained  0.5813 0.2378 0.11726 0.06371
Cumulative Proportion 0.5813 0.8190 0.93629 1.00000

Scaling 2 for species and site scores
* Species are scaled proportional to eigenvalues
* Sites are unscaled: weighted dispersion equal on all dimensions

Species scores

                             CCA1      CCA2      CCA3      CCA4
Australian Hobby          -1.3828  0.675743  1.996326 -1.206407
Australian Owlet-nightjar  0.9656  0.554703  0.093529  0.187641

Site scores (weighted averages of species scores)

        CCA1    CCA2     CCA3    CCA4
row1 -1.3828  0.6757  1.99633 -1.2064
row2 -1.0709 -0.6939  0.26238  2.1019
row3 -0.8794  0.2160 -1.57925 -0.6554
row4  0.7206 -2.7502  0.29279 -1.0531
row5  0.9656  0.5547  0.09353  0.1876

Site constraints (linear combinations of constraining variables)

        CCA1    CCA2     CCA3    CCA4
row1 -1.3828  0.6757  1.99633 -1.2064
row2 -1.0709 -0.6939  0.26238  2.1019
row3 -0.8794  0.2160 -1.57925 -0.6554
row4  0.7206 -2.7502  0.29279 -1.0531
row5  0.9656  0.5547  0.09353  0.1876

Biplot scores for constraining variables

            CCA1    CCA2     CCA3    CCA4
T_Height -0.5567 -0.5619 -0.58734 -0.1714
T_Stem   -0.9023 -0.3507 -0.24253 -0.0640
T_DBH    -0.5926 -0.5503 -0.52225 -0.2708
G_Alive  -0.8090 -0.2172  0.06109  0.5428

看来您为“死而复生”的事物创建了一大堆虚拟变量。我怀疑这些在很大程度上是共线的,以至于是多余的;你没有 n 个唯一变量,只有 4.


您不应该为 R 的建模函数(通常)手动创建虚拟变量。取而代之的是具有与所需级别相关的变量,例如 G 与级别 AliveDead,然后 R 将为您计算出虚拟变量。也就是说,如果您知道其中一个变量后没有添加任何新内容,您可能仍然无法将所有这些 Alive/Dead 变量包含在模型中。