在 JavaScript 中使用正则表达式自动完成最后一个不完整的短语

Autocomplete the last incomplete phrase using regex in JavaScript


term = "How much new sales in new"

假设我得到了一些建议,例如 New York, New Delhi, Papua New Guinea 并且我 select New York.

choice = "New York"

现在我需要确保任何与 selection 匹配的最新子字符串都替换为 selection。


term = "How much new sales in New York"


terms = term.split(/\s+/g)
choice_terms = choice.split(/\s+/g)
terms.pop() //remove the last substring since this is what the user typed last
check_terms = terms

// get the latest instance of first term of the selection
if(user_choice_terms.length > 1) {
    if(check_terms.lastIndexOf(user_choice_first_term) !== -1) {
            last_index = check_terms.lastIndexOf(user_choice_first_term)
            check_terms.splice(-last_index)            //remove anything after the matched index
            check_terms.push(...user_choice_terms)     //add the selected term
            return check_terms

但这似乎不是一个可靠的解决方案,我宁愿使用 regex。用户也可以这样输入

term = "How much new sales in new     yo"

这里我保证得到New York反对yo的建议,应该换成New York

是否有任何 regex 解决方案来确保最新的子字符串匹配完全替换为 selection?

注:我用的是jquery ui autocomplete

您可以创建一个模式来匹配 choice 所有可能的前缀,所有空格替换为 \s+ 模式以匹配 1 个或多个空格并在末尾添加 $仅匹配字符串末尾的模式:


它将匹配 NNeNew 等,在 NewYork 之间具有任意数量的空格,并且仅在由于 $.


regex demo


const make_prefix = (string) => {
    let s = string.charAt(0);
    for (let i=1; i<string.length; i++) {
        s += "(?:" + string.charAt(i);
    for (let i=1; i<string.length; i++) {
        s += ")?";
    return s;

const term = "How much new sales in new      yo";
const choice = "New York";
const regex = new RegExp(make_prefix(choice).replace(/\s+/g, '\s+') + '$', 'i');
console.log(term.replace(regex, choice))
// => How much new sales in New York