将 Excel 导入 Microsoft Project

Import Excel into Microsoft Project

我想创建一个自动化工具来导入 excel for Microsoft Project 文件。我正在尝试在 VBA 中实现这一点(请建议我,如果还有其他选择)并且我研究了一些基本设置的代码。

我发现按照 link 来设置系统和代码来执行此自动化,但仍然不确定下面的代码是否准确我的发现。



Automate creating n Microsoft Project files from an excel file with n rows

I would like write the update script using Mapping field and create/append as new projects.


在以下答案的帮助下,我重写了代码以导入多个文件并将其保存为 *.mpp 文件。

但问题是 mpp 文件正在打开,它应该发生在后端用户不应该查看任何内容。


Private Sub ImportButton_Click()
    On Error GoTo Exception
    Dim InputFolderPath As String, DefaultInputFolderPath As String, DefaultOutputFolderPath  As String
    Dim fileExplorer As FileDialog
    InputFolderPath = ""
    DefaultInputFolderPath = "D:\Sample Projects\MPP Import\Input\"
    DefaultOutputFolderPath = "D:\Sample Projects\MPP Import\Output\"
    Set fileExplorer = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
     'To allow or disable to multi select
    fileExplorer.AllowMultiSelect = False
    If fileExplorer.Show = -1 Then 'Any folder is selected
        InputFolderPath = fileExplorer.SelectedItems.Item(1) & "\"
        InputFolderPath = DefaultInputFolderPath
    End If
    Call CreateProjectFromExcelFile(InputFolderPath, DefaultOutputFolderPath)
    Select Case err.Number   ' Evaluate error number.
        Case 0
            Exit Sub
        Case Else
            MsgBox "UNKNOWN ERROR  - Error# " & err.Number & " : " & err.Description
    End Select
    Exit Sub
    Exit Sub
End Sub

Public Sub CreateProjectFromExcelFile(InputFolderPath As String, DefaultOutputFolderPath As String)

    Dim myFile As String, myExtension As String, oFullFilename As String, oFilename As String

    ' get access to Project application object
    Dim appMSP As MSProject.Application
    On Error Resume Next
    ' see if the application is already open
    Set appMSP = GetObject(, "MSProject.Application")
    If err.Number <> 0 Then
        ' wasn't open, so open it
        Set appMSP = CreateObject("MSProject.Application")
    End If
    ' return to whatever error handling you had
    On Error GoTo 0
    appMSP.Visible = False
    MapEdit Name:="ImportMap", Create:=True, OverwriteExisting:=True, DataCategory:=0, CategoryEnabled:=True, TableName:="Data", FieldName:="Name", ExternalFieldName:="Task_Name", ExportFilter:="All Tasks", ImportMethod:=0, HeaderRow:=True, AssignmentData:=False, TextDelimiter:=Chr$(9), TextFileOrigin:=0, UseHtmlTemplate:=False, IncludeImage:=False
    MapEdit Name:="ImportMap", DataCategory:=0, FieldName:="Duration", ExternalFieldName:="Duration"
    MapEdit Name:="ImportMap", DataCategory:=0, FieldName:="Start", ExternalFieldName:="Start_Date"
    MapEdit Name:="ImportMap", DataCategory:=0, FieldName:="Finish", ExternalFieldName:="End_Date"
    MapEdit Name:="ImportMap", DataCategory:=0, FieldName:="Resource Names", ExternalFieldName:="Resource_Name"
    MapEdit Name:="ImportMap", DataCategory:=0, FieldName:="Notes", ExternalFieldName:="Remarks"
    ' open the Excel file to import
    Dim strFilepath As String
    'Target File Extension (must include wildcard "*")
    myExtension = "*.xlsx"

    'Target Path with Ending Extention
    myFile = Dir(InputFolderPath & myExtension)
            'Loop through each Excel file in folder
    While myFile <> ""
        If (myFile = "") Then
            MsgBox ("No files avaalable!")
            GoTo ExitCode
        End If
        'This example will print the file name to the immediate window
         strFilepath = InputFolderPath & myFile
         oFullFilename = Right(strFilepath, Len(strFilepath) - InStrRev(strFilepath, "\"))
         oFilename = Left(oFullFilename, (InStr(oFullFilename, ".") - 1))
         appMSP.Visible = False
         appMSP.FileOpenEx Name:=strFilepath, ReadOnly:=False, Merge:=1, FormatID:="MSProject.ACE", Map:="ImportMap"
         appMSP.FileSaveAs Name:=DefaultOutputFolderPath & oFilename & ".mpp"
        'Set the fileName to the next file
         myFile = Dir
    appMSP.FileCloseAllEx pjDoNotSave
    Set appMSP = Nothing
    MsgBox ("Imported Successfully...")
    Exit Sub
End Sub

I would like to create an automated tool to import the excel for Microsoft Project file.

从 Excel 文件自动生成新的 Microsoft Project 文件非常简单 — 只需一个命令:FileOpenEx.

以下是 Excel 的操作方法:

Sub CreateProjectFromExcelFile()

    ' get access to Project application object
    Dim appMSP As MSProject.Application
    On Error Resume Next
    ' see if the application is already open
    Set appMSP = GetObject(, "MSProject.Application")
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        ' wasn't open, so open it
        Set appMSP = CreateObject("MSProject.Application")
    End If
    ' return to whatever error handling you had
    On Error GoTo 0
    appMSP.Visible = True
    ' open the Excel file to import
    appMSP.FileOpenEx Name:="C:\<your path here>\SampleNewProjectForImport.xlsx" _
        , Map:="<your map name here>"
    appMSP.FileSaveAs Name:="MyProject.mpp"
End Sub

用您的名字更新 FileOpenEx 行中的 paths/names,根据需要添加错误处理和其他代码,并添加对项目对象库的引用。

注意:如果您不知道导入在 MS Project 中的工作原理,请参阅Import Excel data into Project了解该过程的工作原理。

注意 2:同一命令用于追加或更新现有计划。